Losing mommy weight

I just got this app to lose my baby weight. I’ve never been this heavy in my life. Currently weighing 184 and I’m only 5’2”. Would love to have a support group to stay on track! I’m also breastfeeding so it would be nice if any mommas have tips on how to lose weight while keeping up your supply.


  • JordAsH828
    JordAsH828 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi momma! I'm breastfeeding via EP (13mpp). I'm also the heaviest I've ever been and I finally started my weight loss journey last week and lost 3 lbs in my first week. The best advice I can give to maintain supply is always, always, always ensure you're staying hydrated and replenishing electrolytes after workouts. As far as calories go, that may be a bit trickier. Calorie loss can equal supply dropping. Everyone's needs are different, but in the case of breastfeeding your calorie needs are still higher. So you'll want to find the balance of where you can drop in calories without it affecting your supply. While still wanting to maintain a higher than normal intake, just try focusing more on the foods you're eating rather than how much. How much does matter, but what you're eating makes more of a bigger difference as well. I'm going to add you :smile: Could totally use a fellow BF momma to join me on this journey!
  • taharamac
    taharamac Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks! Happy to have a friend on this journey! I always include breastfeeding as part of my “exercise” that way I add more calories to my intake while cutting back. I also live off of smart water so that’s helped maintain my supply as well! Good luck to you!
  • jbrooks3645
    jbrooks3645 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi add me I just had my little one 2 months ago! We have similar stats as well I'm 5 1 and 186lbs
  • taharamac
    taharamac Posts: 4 Member
    My little man is 6 weeks so we are similar in all ways!
  • ecmont032
    ecmont032 Posts: 37 Member
    well...my little one will be two on 4/25 and I'm still carrying around this mommy weight (plus more)!!!!! But, I'm going to get rid of it this year. I did MFP when my second child was 2 (about 4 1/2 yrs ago) and I lost 70 lbs. Hoping to lose 100 lbs....omg....I just got anxiety saying that out loud. I started this pregnancy heavier than I was with my other pregnancies...I gained more weight than with my other pregnancies...and I had my smallest baby!
  • redsrunning250
    redsrunning250 Posts: 10 Member
    Add me, same boat!
  • ariamariam
    ariamariam Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there! I am breastfeeding my 2month old baby and want to lose the mommy weight! Add me if you want so we can encourage each other!
  • Bellavita31
    Bellavita31 Posts: 1,556 Member
    Oh boy.. Took me 19 year's on/off to get the weight off... My baby's are 19,17 I'm 5'2 as well was 160 now I'm 121...
  • SandraPink89
    SandraPink89 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m 5’0 174lbs has my 5th baby Jan 2017 I tried breastfeeding did it for 2 and a half months, got mastitis then quit cause of that and baby didn’t want to latch after 3 weeks of age so I did just pumping it was tough. And I want to loose weight it’s hard I don’t exercise at all, I plan to join a gym tomorrow I’m hoping if we get time. And I’m now calculating my food intake on this app. I want to get to 125 lbs maybe 130
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    Having lost the baby weight four times now while breast-feeding, this is what I’ve picked up along the way -
    1. Pick your calorie goal and stick to it. But be willing to modify as necessary! I’ve seen a lot of moms (myself included) set a goal too low; over time, fatigue sets in and milk supply is affected. They give up and don’t lose the weight. Other moms (I’ve done this too) set their calorie goal too high, overestimating the amount they’re burning with exercise or breast-feeding. They breast-feed successfully but don’t lose weight. Pay attention to how you feel, and don’t try to lose weight too rapidly. Steady progress is best in this case because your supply will be affected if you dip too low.
    2. Keto is very trendy right now, but I strongly caution you against it while breast-feeding. I tried it with baby number two with disastrous results. I’ve had friends try it also and shrug their shoulders when they had to wean early. Your milk is high in sugar and that is how it’s supposed to be for the baby. You need carbs. I personally shoot to hit my protein and then after that I eat whatever I want within my calorie goal. Often that includes a high amount of (mostly healthy) carbs :-)
    3. Enjoy your baby :) my fourth and final is almost 10 months old and I know my days of nursing won’t be long. I’m trying to soak him up.

    Feel free to friend me, and good luck to you guys!