
I am only in my second week and this week I stayed the same I am heart broken because I stayed to MFP the only thing I can think is my period or is that a myth?


  • primalpam
    primalpam Posts: 64 Member
    Your cycle can have a big impact. Most women gain anywhere from 2-5 pounds this time of the month. Could be other factors as well though.
  • smolmaus
    smolmaus Posts: 442 Member
    Could be water retention from eating something salty, could be your period, could be that you haven't pooped in a while, could be a lot of things even if you keep everything else consistent, like weighing naked first thing in the morning. Weight loss isn't a nice straight line downwards, the human body varies a lot from day to day so try not to worry too much about one weigh in!

    The way I weigh myself so as not to get too stressed is to use an app called Libra (others are available), you can put in your weigh ins as often as you like and it will create a trend for you with an estimated goal date and everything. That way you can just watch the trend (hopefully) pointing downwards and not get too freaked out about fluctuations.
  • weebo1980
    weebo1980 Posts: 56 Member
    i guess i just got in a panic, silly i know, i was just hopeing for a lose or any sort and to stay the same was a shock but like yo said our bodies have so much change, i will just fingers crossed for next week and keep up my good work
  • smolmaus
    smolmaus Posts: 442 Member
    Excellent attitude! Keep up the good work and good luck, we've all been there :)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited April 2018

    You know what kept me from freaking out like that? Figuring out my maintenance calories, which for me is approximately 2300 calories. I shoot for 1860 calories to lose 0.5 lbs per week. So, if I use my food scale and log everything, and keep my daily calories within range, there is NO WAY the bump on the body weight scale is fat gain.

    Once I knew that, I started weighing myself daily and watching for trends. It was actually pretty interesting. Up 2-3 pounds at ovulation. Up 2-3 pounds about 3 days before TOM and it would stick around until afterwards. Up 2-3 pounds if I had spaghetti for dinner. Up 6-8 pounds if I flew. This knowledge has taken all the scary-ness out of weighing myself. It more like a science experiment now.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I think it takes a while to get in a groove, you are just getting started. Water weight (and GI status) make everyone's scale readings volatile, set your expectations accordingly. Like above posters, ensure you are not fooling yourself about intake levels--be a food scientist and weigh stuff until you recalibrate your portions and associated logging. It works if do it right.
  • weebo1980
    weebo1980 Posts: 56 Member
    thanks guys, i understand now why some people weih in once a month, i didnt want to do that incse i was to go wrong but we will get there x