Am I eating to much???

Iv been eating around 1500 cals a day, only gone over 1/2 days but nothing major. Iv been eating lots of meat, I have weetabix for breakfast with skimmed milk, and maybe jacket potatoe with bolognase at lunch then dinner, but I never feel hungry, so I’m worrying I’m not in much of a deflict!


  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    Why do you think that feeling hungry is the guideline for whether you're in a deficit?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    If you are weighing food and accurately logging then you would know if you are in a deficit.

    If not hungry that says your diet is sateitiating therefore in a defit comfortably.
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Lack of hunger is usually an indication of wise food choices, not a sign of how effective one's diet is.

    There's a persistent notion out there that to properly diet, you need to feel hungry. That's not true. Through wise selection of food, it's entirely possible to lose weight without feeling hungry except maybe right before meal times.
    Could not agree with this more! By thoughtful tweaking, I have been able to get to the point where I’m satisfied on my daily calorie allotment (which isn’t huge since I’m older and short).
    OP, no reason to go hungry to do this successfully.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Are you losing weight at the rate expected?
  • Chunkahlunkah
    Chunkahlunkah Posts: 373 Member
    I completely agree with the others that you can be in a deficit and not feel hungry. That just means you've landed on what satiates you at 1500 calories, and that's a very good thing! :) However, are you sure you're eating 1500 calories? By that, I mean are you weighing your foods?

    If you have a lot to lose, it does't matter much if you're actually eating 200+ calories more than that. You'll still be at a large enough deficit to see results. But if eating at 1500 isn't creating that large a deficit for you, imprecise tracking can slow down progress/eliminate it.

    So satiety won't reliably indicate if you're in a deficit, but accurate measuring of your food will (and then tweaking that accurate measurement with the weight loss results you get after a month or two, since a deficit on paper is still just an estimate of what's a deficit for your body).
  • 1BlueAurora
    1BlueAurora Posts: 439 Member
    You don't have to feel miserable and hungry. If you're hitting your calorie allotment every day and feel fine, you've hit on the right combination of calorie deficit and filling food. Way to go!