Yeah so today has been bad

I've been doing so well on my new lifestyle change (refuse to call it a diet) and ive lost like 30 lbs. well today i sat down and ate 4 Ding Dongs. You know those chocolate cakes with the cream filling. Four of them.


  • SMorris1970
    SMorris1970 Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2018
    Idk what happened to the rest of my post. Anyway i said that they were in the house in the first place because my husband doesn’t want to eat healthy. He said why should he suffer just because im on a diet. The world is full of temptations i better learn to deal with it because its not going to change just for me. So far ive been able to resist them but today i didnt. Idk what the heck happened to my willpower today
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited April 2018
    Log it and move on, everyone has bad days.

    It's worth it to ask yourself - Can I eat the way I'm currently eating for the rest of my life? Because if not, as soon as you reach your goal weight and the pressure is off, human nature is to revert right back into our old ways.

    There is nothing wrong with fitting some treats in moderation into your calorie goal. Learning to find that balance now means you'll be less likely to boomerang later. Have a DingDong every once and awhile. Just don't have 4 :wink:

    Regardless, chalk it up to a learning experience, accept that you'll probably be a bit over your calories today and that's no big deal, and keep moving forward :drinker:
  • kroe4
    kroe4 Posts: 111 Member
    It's okay! Don't let it knock you off your game. Log those Ding Dongs like you meant to eat them. lol
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Are you being too restrictive with your calories/foods you can eat which causes a binge?

    Everyone has bad days, but make sure you aren't falling into the trap of classifying certain foods as "bad" and thinking that you can't eat them. Try pre-logging your food so you can see how many calories your about to eat and make sure you're leaving enough room for the rest of the day and maybe a little treat :)
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    Someone brought donuts for another department at work today, after their meeting the box was left out on a filing cabinet near a coworkers cubicle. I needed to speak with her about a project so I stood over there for 10-15 minutes... and ate four glazed donuts. Happens to everyone, keep your head up and work to make those instances happen less often over time.
  • SMorris1970
    SMorris1970 Posts: 12 Member
    I think the problem was I started the day with a bunch of carbs and when i eat carbs for breakfast it never satisfies me for long and it makes me crave more carbs. I wouldn’t say I’ve eliminated carbs altogether because that to me isn’t realistic and like someone said i have to make sure this is something i can do the rest of my life. But i have cut back on carbs and i usually fill up on protein at breakfast and this morning I didn’t do that. Thanks for the encouragement you guys are the best!!
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    Sheks41191 wrote: »
    You call that bad - check out what I did on Sunday...

    One day in the grand scheme of things has very little effect - the damage is definitely more psychological than physical. You feel bad but don't it happens like others have said just move on.

    Random side note about the below - it has had zero effect on my weight - I was retaining water because of all the carbs but today I'm at an all-time low.


    I'm curious about the actual contents of this day... what did you eat that had 4600 calories but <150g protein?
  • jbrooks3645
    jbrooks3645 Posts: 76 Member
    Hey like everyone else said already I'm sure one day won't throw off all ur progress. And great job on losing the 30 lbs. I also have a sweet tooth and I think I would definitely fail if I couldn't have something sweet every now and then so I get those 100 calorie snacks it's easy to have one with our messing up ur whole day. Maybe u could buy u some of those so when cravings hit u have a low calorie option instead of ur husband's higher calorie sweets.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Would hubby be willing to bring only snacks into the house that you don't like? That works for some couples.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    Can you give your husband a designated space to store/hide his snacks or have a shared area that's not readily visible? He might be willing to compromise that far. We have a snack cupboard so that snacks are out of sight unless they are currently being eaten.
  • Sheks41191
    Sheks41191 Posts: 90 Member
    edited April 2018
    steveko89 wrote: »
    Sheks41191 wrote: »
    You call that bad - check out what I did on Sunday...

    One day in the grand scheme of things has very little effect - the damage is definitely more psychological than physical. You feel bad but don't it happens like others have said just move on.

    Random side note about the below - it has had zero effect on my weight - I was retaining water because of all the carbs but today I'm at an all-time low.


    I'm curious about the actual contents of this day... what did you eat that had 4600 calories but <150g protein?

    I ate all the carbs haha - see attached. Sorry for the late response - only saw this now... See images attached.

    The quick add at 168 calories was aloe juice - everything else was weighed and measured.
