Somedays I don't feel like working out, but this week it has turned into three consistent days of constantly running around of getting ready to go back to school and when I got home, I just don't feel like working out. Do you guys workout everyday? However, if I don't work out, I try to eat less. Now that school's just around the corner, I'm very nervous about staying motivated to come home and workout before I begin homework and such. Sometimes it feels like a burden if I don't work out in the morning, because I like to get it over with and start my day. I'm going to try my best to stick with this, but I'm not going to lie, it will be hard.


  • I workout every day except one rest day a week. I tend to eat healthier on the days I do workout so that is my reasoning. I am a college student a mother so I know how hard it is to stay motivated while in school. Here what works for me. Waking up early and working out before school helps to get my energy up and also to eat healthy throughout the day. I bring healthy snacks and a healthy lunch with me to school and only drink water. If you need to workout at night make it a point to get it done right when you get home so that way your still in the "momentum" stage....your moving so why not just keep going? Then after your workout come home shower get into comfy clothes and bust out your homework.....I hope this helped! Good luck!
  • Jan,

    Working out everyday is tiresome and not healthy. Try setting small goals for yourself (ie work out Monday, Wed, and Fri - and once/weekend is optional).

    Also, I have the same issue with getting too busy after work. What I have done is decided to get my workout done in the morning (before any distractions pop up). I like running a couple of miles; it helps me set up my day and gives me an incredible boost of energy throughout the workday).

    Hope this helps,

  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    It's all about working in what you can, when you can, so don't feel bad if you just don't have time to exercise 5-6 days a week...3x per week is the recommended by a lot of health boards around the world.

    I work out 6 days a week and do light exercise only on the 7th, but I have a lot of free time now. When I'm busier, I aim for 3 days a week.
  • jessicahelene
    jessicahelene Posts: 77 Member
    Working out everyday is tiresome and not healthy.

    I don't agree with this, necessarily. It depends how you define "working out." I too am a full time student and do research in 2 labs for ~20 hours per week as well. I find it necessary to do SOMETHING each day to stay motivated. So I'll do 3-4 "hard" workouts a week and then the other days I will do a low-impact workout or just go for a walk in my neighborhood or just stretch.

    Staying committed to doing something each day seems to help me out a lot.

    Also finding exercise that I really love and look forward to.
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    i only workout 4 times a week...when I get in better shape I'll add on more days. Know your limit.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I aim to burn 3,500 calories per week. I try to take a day or two off in there, and do about 700 a day for five days.

    You'll find, though, when you're tired, if you just get up and do it, you'll suddenly have energy,
  • tlzidon
    tlzidon Posts: 79 Member
    Exercise is a great way to get rid of stress but you will be okay if you dont work out every day. Do what feels right. And depending on what kind of workouts you do, maybe you can combine your homework with your workout. When I was taking classes, I would do my reading when I was on the eliptical or stationary bike. That way I could kill two birds with one stone and it kept my mind busy while working out.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    works out every day, several days I do it twice.

    Do it. This is your life.
  • cnkan0119
    cnkan0119 Posts: 113 Member
    I workout every day except one rest day a week. I tend to eat healthier on the days I do workout so that is my reasoning. I am a college student a mother so I know how hard it is to stay motivated while in school. Here what works for me. Waking up early and working out before school helps to get my energy up and also to eat healthy throughout the day. I bring healthy snacks and a healthy lunch with me to school and only drink water. If you need to workout at night make it a point to get it done right when you get home so that way your still in the "momentum" stage....your moving so why not just keep going? Then after your workout come home shower get into comfy clothes and bust out your homework.....I hope this helped! Good luck!

    I agree 100%. I'm a working mom of a toddler and by the time I pick him up and get home it's nearly 6:30. I make it a point to workout in the morning and get it out of the way. The hardest part is getting out of bed but once up I get in 30 minutes of uninterrupted exercise. I do this Monday - Friday. I workout on Saturdays too. The gym is difficult for me to get to so I do a lot of On Demand workouts. I know it's hard and this is a difficult week for you but try to fit in something when you can! Every little bit helps!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I take a day off (usually Sunday) per week.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    works out every day, several days I do it twice.

    Do it. This is your life.

    <--- Also works out every day, sometimes 3x a day.

    HTFU and get the results you want.
  • bgredenbaugh
    bgredenbaugh Posts: 65 Member

    Working out everyday is tiresome and not healthy. Try setting small goals for yourself (ie work out Monday, Wed, and Fri - and once/weekend is optional).

    Also, I have the same issue with getting too busy after work. What I have done is decided to get my workout done in the morning (before any distractions pop up). I like running a couple of miles; it helps me set up my day and gives me an incredible boost of energy throughout the workday).

    Hope this helps,


    I'm afraid I totally disagree. I don't think running a marathon every day is a good idea :-), but MOVING every day IS! I've been working out every day for th past 2 1/2 weeks, riding my bike in the AM. I feel GREAT! However, don't beat yourself up if you can't do the whole "get super sweaty" workout every day. Just make sure you do SOMETHING active each and every day. Not only is it good for your body, it's good for your mind!
  • abbyy182
    abbyy182 Posts: 56
    Working out everyday made me go a bit insane and made me unwell. I had to stop and cut it down to 3 times and now I am fine. I was eating and drinking enough, but I think I over worked my body.
  • to each their own. sometimes i work out 6 days a week, somtimes 5 and sometimes i do it 7. it's all in how much you can or cannot do. know your limits. i know mine.
  • I have found that you have to hit what you can tolerate, both physically and mentally.

    On December 13, 2007 I started my exercise regimen which was a light warmup on a stationary cycle for 10 minutes and then I did circuit strength training on 15 different life fitness machines. After the CST I would walk about a half mile on the track. I did this 3 days a week and always took a day off at least between workouts. After about a month of this, because of my size, the warmups and the walk afterward were causing me pain so I concentrated on the CST only for 6 weeks. All the while I maintained my nutrition.

    March 19 2008 I felt much better and was stronger because of the CST so I decided to go to the gym on an "off" day and try cardio. That day I did 20 minutes on the elliptical and then walked for 2 miles on the track without any pain. From the time I had started, my weight was 380 pounds. 3/19 my weight was 349 and I was able to move much better so I added 3 days (alternating) of cardio to my 3 days of circuit strength training. I have pretty much maintained that workout schedule until I injured my left hip while at work.

    What I found out doing this was that the one workout complimented the other. The strength training made the cardio burn more fat. By the end of 2008 I weighed 234 pounds for a total loss of 146 pounds while my nutrition rarely dipped below 3,000 calories per day. The moral of my story is that you have to have time to do it and you need fuel to do it. If you're not able to workout because of other commitments, Then by all means you would want to adjust your intake of food accordingly but you would want to get at least 3 workouts per week in. I just did more because I didn't have obligations and I was somewhat of a loner...until I was walking around all buff and people continually asked me "how did you do it?" or "what kind of diet were you on?". Some jaws hit the floor when I told them I ate at least 3,000 calories per day.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    for me, my normal routine is 3 days a week at the gym. When I went to Zumba last year it was twice w/ two nights of Zumba. Right now I go 6 days ... 3 days of physical therapy (recovering from broken leg and surgery to repair it) and the gym 3 days.

    However... there were times between work, running my kids to school / sport functions that it just did not happen. I would try on those days to do some squats, crunches, etc ... or a little Dance Central... just to keep some movement going.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I never miss a run, and I try to make sure I don't miss my strength training (in between run days). My opinion is that if I skip a day here, and skip a day there, then I'm not really committed to my fitness. So I give it the same level of intensity that I give my nutrition, eat right and don't skip (cheat).
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    My goal is to work out Monday through Saturday. I suffer from migraines and have IBS so sometimes I just can't because of that. I find I really miss it when I can't workout. There are times when working out takes a backseat though, sometimes life really gets in the way. I see everyday as a restart, I don't look back on what I should have done and see what I can get done today.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Working out everyday is tiresome and not healthy.
    Totally disagree. You can workout everyday as long as you get ENOUGH REST, recovery and nutrition.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Working out everyday is tiresome and not healthy.
    Totally disagree. You can workout everyday as long as you get ENOUGH REST, recovery and nutrition.

    ^^ This.

    If you were to workout doing the treadmill for 60 minutes three times a day, and doing strength training 7 days a week ..that is overdoing it. No one is saying that.

    My weekly regime is strength training 4 days a week (Upper/Lower Body Split), cardio 2 days a week (30 min HIIT), 1 day completely off.