"WeLosersWin" Closed



  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Nutrition - Under Calories
    Exercise - 50 crunches

    Yes under calories
    Yes did crunches woo hoo!!!

    walked 2.5 miles!!!
  • ChristiCare
    ChristiCare Posts: 179 Member
    Hows everybody doing? Second week started Friday, everybody is doing great, keep focused on why we are here.

    Anybody have anything for the weekend?
  • Hartach
    Hartach Posts: 18
    So it's the same thing every week? That's cool...just didn't know. I've had the worst personal couple of days that I've had in a LONG time. Sorry to let you guys down. I feel so let down in other ways (life). It's not fair. I'll try to keep it up.
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    :sad: I have 2 miles for yesterday you can log, but nothing else for Friday, Saturday or Sunday, sorry ladies I was ill with my asthma so didnt really feel much for working out. I need a kick in my butt!!!!!!
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Oh yea under calories for yesterday too!! woo hoo!!!

    Does anyone know how to log my workouts from my pedometor on my phone? The numbers never add up to what this website shows??
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    So it's the same thing every week? That's cool...just didn't know. I've had the worst personal couple of days that I've had in a LONG time. Sorry to let you guys down. I feel so let down in other ways (life). It's not fair. I'll try to keep it up.

    You didnt let us down girl, dont feel that way. WE are all here for you no matter what!!! Everyone of us has bad days so its okay, we will help you up and you will do better!!! If you ever need to vent please thats what we are here for... support and motivation and just an ear to listen.. :heart:
  • ChristiCare
    ChristiCare Posts: 179 Member
    You didnt let anybody down! I think we all had a bad week. I am at the "want to fizzle out" point but I know that I can't. I know that I have to keep going if I want to accomplish my goal. That is where I am hoping/know that this fitness challenge will help me. (expecially being captain) I know I have to report everybody's numbers in.

    If anybody is feels they are losing steam, It helped me to go in and read some of the sucess stories in the community tab. Expecially those that have lost 100+ pounds. It shows we really can do this

    We can do this! We can do this!

    You can do this! You can do this! You can do this! You can do this !

    We all joined this site because we wanted something different in our lives, whether it be weight loss, eating better, or just wanting to be able to the simple things in life, like to tie our shoes without struggling (thats me, my belly gets in the way), or being able to walk upstairs without beinging winded. (thats me too)

    So lets get our minds and hearts going again and relight our sparkler, we can do this we deserve it!


    and for anybody that wants to vent, jump on in there, we will listen
  • ChristiCare
    ChristiCare Posts: 179 Member
    I misunderstood what rest day was, so we need to pick a day, How about Wednesday this week and then we can go to Sundays, this is how it works.

    None of your workouts for rest day count. The idea is to get your team to drink their water. Each cup of water that your team drinks is worth 10 points, up to a team max of 500 points. Exercise challenge doesn't count for whichever day you choose as rest day, but the nutrition challenge does. So, if each of your team members drinks 10 cups of water PLUS does the nutrition challenge for that day, your team can earn 525 points.

    You need to choose a day between now and Thursday to have your rest/water day, since we're already through most of the week. You should probably confer with your teammates and decide which day and make sure everyone understands how it works. Please let me know as soon as possible which day THIS week you'd like to do.

    If you want to use Sunday NEXT week, that will be fine.
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    I think today is good for rest day and then move to Sunday's..
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Nutrition - Under Sodium
    Exercise - 50 reverse crunches (http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/exercises.asp?exercise=8)

    Nutrition: YES!! WOO HOO!!!
    Exercise- Yes, damn they hurt too!!!

    Also did 30 minutes on the Recumbent Bike for 6 miles
    Walking at the track for 30 minutes for 1 1/2 miles.
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    I drank 14 glasses of water yesterday for 112 oz.... OMG glad I didnt float away!!! LOL

    I did workout but since I cant count it.. Oh well!!

    Nutrition - Under Carbs- yes!!!
  • Hartach
    Hartach Posts: 18
    How come we cannot choose our own rest day each week? Somedays just aren't good days. Also I haven't seen any challenge except for week one. Is every week the same?
  • Hartach
    Hartach Posts: 18
    Thanks Sal. Not in the mood for ANYTHING. Not even venting. It's just personal/MAN problems. That I don't deserve. Sorry.
  • ChristiCare
    ChristiCare Posts: 179 Member
    Maybe it is just easier to keep track of it. Sometimes it is hard to keep track of 5 people, I cant imagine being the top dog and have to to keep track of 50 people. Sometimes no day seems good for eating right, and excercises, but one thing I am learning is that we just have to make it happen.

    Have a great day
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Thanks Sal. Not in the mood for ANYTHING. Not even venting. It's just personal/MAN problems. That I don't deserve. Sorry.

    Oh girl don't apologize its perfectly okay, just know we are all here for you okay?

    And you are right you don't deserve it!!
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Under Sodium: UM No, def not a good day at all................:(

    50 crunches- yes

    40 minutes walking 2.5 mph

    okay well try better tomorrow!!
  • ChristiCare
    ChristiCare Posts: 179 Member
    ok so here is our new thread for this weeks challenge


    ::::Week 5 Challenges::::
    Nutrition - Under Sodium
    Exercise - 50 forward lunges (http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/exercises.asp?exercise=22)

    Nutrition - Under carbs
    Exercise - Dance Dance Dance!!! 10 minutes again!!! (I heard that people liked this????)

    Nutrition - Under calories
    Exercise - 50 Lying Tricep Lifts (http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/exercises.asp?exercise=190)

    Nutrition - Under fat
    Exercise - Exercise - 50 Windshield Wipers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omeqA3O4DUk )

    Nutrition - Under sodium
    Exercise - 50 squats (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8NKB_f06Os)

    Nutrition - Under carbs
    Exercise - 50 Dumbell Flys (http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/exercises.asp?exercise=155)

    Nutrition - Under calories
    Exercise - 50 oblique crunches (http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/exercises.asp?exercise=4)
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Thank Captain! I should have looked here first.

    Sal - you're doing great!
    Hart - bummer about the man problems. Hope things get better.
    Crsti - thanks for organizing us!

    ps - I am in a 100+ to lose thread that I absolutely LOVE. We have done a challenge each month and they are very simple and not difficult to organize. The girl that started this one said she wanted one that wasn't asadvanced as others on MFP but I have to say it has way to many people in it to be manageable!!! I don't know how things get tracked even close to accurately!!

    In my 100+ group our August Challenge was to walk the Appalachian trail as a group. We each pledged the # of miles we thought we could achieve (personal goals are the best). We made sure we had enough people to do the 2100 or so miles in 30 days and made a google spreadsheet. We each post our own miles daily (walk,swim, bike, whatever) and we have 1 leader who updates the common ticker daily. I pledged 100 miles and have done nearly 160 now! So much fun and very motivating. Next month we are doing a triathalon. Teams of 3 and we can also choose to do a solo triathalon as well.