Hey! Looking for some tips on losing weight with PCOS!

My name is Miranda, I’m a bit overweight, and very unhappy with myself as of late. I do have PCOS, and am aware that this contributes to the difficulty in losing weight. I will be starting phentermine tomorrow, and am in it to drop the weight, but just would love to have a few tips from people that have similar issues as mine. New friends wouldn’t be so bad either! :)


  • aprilshonta
    aprilshonta Posts: 2 Member
    A controlled nutritional plan and 2-3 days of physical activity a week. I too have PCOS and I’ve lost 22 pounds in the last 14 weeks. It’s doable, you just have to be intentional, diligent and track everything you eat. It is not easy, but you can certainly do it with some dedication.
  • Lyrica7
    Lyrica7 Posts: 88 Member
    edited April 2018
    Being a member of a few diet and medical forums i have seen many women post how they have had success with low carb diets-They help to stabilize blood sugars which are high in many with pcos. How are your blood sugar levels and are you on metformin?
  • SimplyAdia
    SimplyAdia Posts: 39 Member
    I have PCOS and my doctor said to stop eating carbs. I started Keto 2 weeks ago and have lost 9lbs. I'm insulin resistant and take Metformin. Add me if you like!
  • clabldrs
    clabldrs Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I also have PCOS and taking Metformin. I exercise regularly but it’s really hard for me to lose weight. I have been told that a low carb helps with symptoms and weight loss
  • tndcclub
    tndcclub Posts: 4 Member
    Does anyone have specific info on what low carb looks like or Keto? How to set macros?
  • cupcakegirl81
    cupcakegirl81 Posts: 2,033 Member
    I did well on MFP four years ago. Lost almost 40 pounds. But have put half of that back on, even though I still track calories.
    I'm always under cals, but my food choices leave a lot to be desired.
    I have only "known" I have PCOS for a year. I took Metformin up until two months ago. I quit because of the side effects which didn't seem to alleviate. It was months and months of stomach pain. I do take Inositol, which is a natural alternative to Metformin.
    I work out daily, walks and aerobics, some light weights.
    And I don't lose much of anything.
    I need to cut carbs, but find it quite difficult to maintain.
  • hey_micki
    hey_micki Posts: 5 Member
    tndcclub wrote: »
    Does anyone have specific info on what low carb looks like or Keto? How to set macros?

    Check out this site and it will help you calculate your macros:
    I've been following a keto diet for a few weeks now. I'm by no means an expert, but I can try to answer any questions you have about getting started. Feel free to add me
  • regrimm
    regrimm Posts: 1 Member
    I was diagnosed more than 20 years ago. I try to eat lean protein and only carbs that offer high fiber & protein (veggies, beans, etc...), drink at least a gallon of water, and walk at least 10,000 steps a day, and have lost nearly 50#. I was on metformin for years and didn't feel it did much for me. After reading a lot online I added a significant number of supplements and vitamins to my diet and exercise and have finally regulated my cycles.