In the zone!

Hi, I'm Amy...34, divorced and I have a 6 year old daughter...and I'm in the zone. Finally. I want this so badly. Back in 2003 I did Atkins, and while it worked great for a while - I lost 50lbs - at a certain point, I hit a wall. I had a child. I got divorced. I tried to start just didn't fit my lifestyle anymore.

Many times I've tried eating better...only to have a week or two pass and I slowly gave up. I never seemed to stick to it. I tried fooling myself by not calling it a diet. Didn't work. I'd have a "treat" and then that would turn into a "treat day" and then a "treat weekend" - until a week had passed and I decided that I didn't care and I'd go back to eating crap.

I'm embarrassed to say, my daily food consumption usually was a large iced coffee, a couple of donuts or a coffee roll. Then I'd get to work and have some sort of breakfast sandwich...cheese, sausage, eggs on a croissant or a bagel. Then I'd have a snack...and lunch...with a snack. Then another snack. Then a huge dinner - with a few snacks in between. I can't even guess as to what my caloric intake was. I'd be afraid to even look.

Back in October I had my cholesterol checked. 251. But even that didn't scare me enough. I tried to be scared, but it didn't work.

Well, right after my birthday this year (March), something hit me. I knew summer was coming. Not that I love summer...but I love my clothes...and I remember how last year they didn't fit right. They fit...but not properly. Try walking around in 90* weather with a spanx on. NOT fun. So I decided that I had a mini goal. I wanted my summer cloths to fit this year. I started eating better. Making choices that I thought were good. I started tracking my calories. And guess food choices still weren't great. It was crazy to see that I still had NO idea what good food was. I had no idea what kind of calories were in things. So I fiddled around. Talked to friends about food options and managed to dwindle my caloric intake down from about 2500 cal a day to about 1500 cal a day. I actually find it a challenge. A fun challenge. To see how much food I can eat, but still stay within 1500 - 1700 a day. I preferably like to keep about 1500. I don't like seeing that number creep up.

Well, I then decided that although the weight was coming off...slowly. A pound or two here and there...that moving my body would probably help more.

There is a gym at work. A free one. I've never taken advantage of it. Ever. I walk by it often. I used to go to the gym. Back in 2003. I loved it. I loved that soreness I'd feel the next day. It meant I was doing something. But then I had a child...divorce, etc...and I had no way to get back. I thought about walking, but I know myself...and I know as soon as the weather starts to get warm, I won't walk. So I talked to my boss...changed my hours at work from 8-4 with no lunch and I decided I would go to the gym from 4-5.

First it was just going to be some treadmill walking. Then I decided that maybe I'd like to do weights again. Now I've decided that I want to Couch to 5K. I'm doing weights and cardio and C25K! I'm eating better. I'm eating well.

Don't get me wrong...if I want to go to the movies and have some popcorn, I do. But I do not...and will not...allow that to snowball. It won't turn into an all day thing.

While I wish the weight would come off faster...I know in the long run, slow and steady wins the race.

I've decided that my daughter is my life...and I want to live for her. I need to do this...and I am. I am IN the zone!


  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    Crud!!! I had no idea I had typed so much! Sorry!!! :blushing:
  • mags1983
    mags1983 Posts: 21
    Good for you and what an achievement- 35 lbs already. It can be very frustrating waiting for those pounds to come off but before you know it all you wanted to lose will be gone! Be proud of yourself and best of luck in the future :)
  • outtanms
    outtanms Posts: 237 Member
    nice! Stick with it you can do it. Add me if you need/want motivation. I am going to be here a while.
  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    nice! Stick with it you can do it. Add me if you need/want motivation. I am going to be here a while.

    I'll be here awhile too. LOL