
So, I was very good last week, weighed myself Saturday morning and it showed in a week and 4 days I had lost 3.5lb.

BUT...Saturday I went to the cafe, for breakfast which consisted of - sausage, egg, beans, bacon and about 4 slices of buttered toast

THEN.... Saturday night date night, I went to the harvester and had a cheese and bacon burger with chips,

AND THEN....on Sunday I had cafe again for breakfast with again 4 slices of bread!! But I chose to have a weight watchers meal 280cal for dinner that night.

All together my cal limit is 1,500 and now I’m so disappointed in myself as I think Iv just put it all back on. Breakfast couldn’t have been 1,500 cals could it?!



  • Slu13
    Slu13 Posts: 44 Member
    Oh! I only have 1 stone to loose. I’m 5’10 and 12st 9lb!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,345 Member
    Yes, 1500 sounds about right for a good sized cafe breakfast.

    Get back on plan. What's done is done - it will likely all sort itself out in the next 3-4 days and you'll be back to where you were.

    I tend to do a "wheeeee!" food binge on days I'm down a few pounds too.

    3.5 pound loss in a week is pretty extreme. Are you obese or more than 75 pounds over weight? I would slow down that loss. . .which it sounds like you did unwittingly! :lol:
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Without knowing the portion sizes of what you had, we'd just be guessing as to how many calories it had. There are some situations where a restaurant breakfast can easily be 1,500 calories, so it's certainly possible.

    That said, your 1,500 goal is a deficit. You have to eat above your calories to maintain to actually gain fat.

    I would use this situation as a learning opportunity. What went "wrong" this weekend and what could you try in future weekends to better stick around your goal of 1,500. Did you go into the weekend hungry, did you give up on trying to find things on the menu that better matched your goals, was something else going on?

    You should only truly be disappointed in yourself if you had a bad weekend and didn't use it as an opportunity to have better weekends in the future.
  • mazcor536
    mazcor536 Posts: 115 Member
    Don’t stress!! You’ll be over calories for the weekend but you won’t have done much damage, especially if you are consistently back within your calorie limit now. You ENJOYED it, which is the main thing. We’ve all got to treat ourselves on occasion, just don’t let it be a frequent thing if you’re committed to losing weight. :smile:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,896 Member
    cmriverside, Wow! I do the "wheeeee!" binges too. I thought I was the only one! I feel like this is self-sabotage for me each time I see a pretty good success or I near my next mini-goal. Why do I / we do this? Does it anger you too like it does me and how do we stop this? I truly want to be a better friend to myself in every way.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,345 Member
    cmriverside, Wow! I do the "wheeeee!" binges too. I thought I was the only one! I feel like this is self-sabotage for me each time I see a pretty good success or I near my next mini-goal. Why do I / we do this? Does it anger you too like it does me and how do we stop this? I truly want to be a better friend to myself in every way.

    No, it doesn't anger me, I've been at my maintenance weight for a decade. When I lose weight it's not my plan.

    When I was in active weight loss mode I did it too.

    She needed that food, she shouldn't be losing 3.5 pounds per week. It was more than likely instinct that kicked in

    I chose to look at it as a refeed. :wink: I was always able to get back at it. Long-term deficits are stressful for the body and sometimes you just have to go up to maintenance for a few days.

    read this:
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    You probably didn't gain back all the fat you've lost. Some of it, possibly, but most likely not all of it. However, don't be surprised if the scale goes up several pounds in the next day or two due to water weight and undigested food.

    1500 calories doesn't seem an unreasonable estimate for that breakfast alone, but it really does depend on the serving sizes you had. If we're talking about large pieces of toast with lots of butter, eggs cooked in more butter, etc., then 1500 may even be a low estimate.

    All that said, it is *very* easy to wipe out a week's worth of calorie deficits with one or two large meals on the weekend. That doesn't mean you can't go out on the weekend, but it does mean you have to plan ahead and figure out how those calories fit into your overall goals. You might find that you can fit in one big meal rather than three, for example.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    I hear ya. We all have bad days. The key is getting back on the horse!
  • Slu13
    Slu13 Posts: 44 Member
    @cmriverside no I’m 12ft 10 and I weigh 12st 9lb!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,896 Member
    CMRIVERSIDE: Thank you so very much for the great article you have led me to regarding refeeding. This truly changes my whole outlook on everything! It is great information and advice. No more guilt for me! From this day forward I will PLAN my REFEED days as much as possible. It is okay to be alive and live my life while still losing weight! And my leptin levels will only stay stronger and more in tune with my plan! I am going to watch the video inside the link tonight, but based on the article, I can proceed into my success without the guilt and shame I often carry when I FALSELY think I've somehow failed myself. This information is invaluable and I hope it will help many. Thanks again.