What am I doing wrong? :(

Ok so here’s my story. From February 2017 until now I have lost 3st 1lb. From about Christmas time until the start of March I hadn’t really been tracking etc but somehow managed to maintain my weight. Since March this year I’ve been back into it, not tracking religiously but still making sure I’m not near my calorie goal (1,500), always checking calories in everything I eat and I’ve been doing it that long you get the idea of what you’re eating. In those 6 weeks I’ve actually put on 2lb and I just looked at progress pictures from October last year and I look bigger now! It’s totally disheartened me to the point where I just wanted to chuck it completely tonight :(. I really don’t know what I’m doing so wrong. I workout with the weights at least 3 times a week and I’m definitely starting to go an evening walk from today. I’ve started to track absolutely religiously from today and I’m in line with the macros percentage and calorie goal. I’m just scared that maybe I’ve ruined my metabolism to the point where it’s just like yo, you can’t eat this little and make ya body smaller sort it out. But then again I’m too scared to up my calorie intake by a couple of hundred, because I genuinely feel satisfied eating 1400-1500 a day.

I don’t know if I’m annoyed or just gutted as I thought I was progressing aesthetically, but the pictures tell me different. Not sure if I’ve deluded myself into thinking I look fantastic, when the reality is I’m still 2st 10lb from my goal.


  • SteamPug
    SteamPug Posts: 262 Member
    It’s okay to decide that you look good and that you don’t wanna lose any more. It’s okay to not stick to your original goal, it isn’t failing if you decide you want to maintain for awhile.
    If you’re still interested in losing I’m sure some others can give some great advice as to how you can move that along, but I wanna say before all that that it’s okay to be happy where you’re at.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    “Not tracking religiously” is the likely cause. Make sure everything gets logged as accurately as possible. If you don’t have a food scale, you way want to look into purchasing one.