Runners i need help!!

Started running two weeks ago after not being active for three years and my knees are killing me!!!! Any tips?? I dont know what is going on!


  • justjara123
    justjara123 Posts: 63 Member
    edited April 2018
    Could be several factors:
    - Your shoes might not be able to give you the support you need for running
    - Age & weight might not be able to be fully supported by your knees (not likely as you seem young?)
    - You could be going too hard and your body hasn’t adjusted to the changes
    - You’re running too often
    - Your running form might be off

    I say the best thing to do is get shoes with lots of support, start off slowly and build up, and check your run to make sure you’re not slamming down on the ground unnecessarily. If you can, run on grass or a long track (but this is boring), soooo much easier on the shins and knees.
  • cleesus
    cleesus Posts: 87 Member
    You should check out a running store in your area. They will determine what type of runner you are and from there you will know what type of running shoe to get for your running style and feet.

    Proper running shoes differ from person to person but can be the key difference in avoiding injury. Running with the wrong shoes can cause all sorts of problems you wouldnt imagine. Trust me i have made this mistake in 2016-2017
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited April 2018
    @dacpetz Pretty well covered by ^^. If you are new to running try one of the C25K apps ( couch to 5km ) that slowly increase your running time to allow your body to adjust to the new stress's you are submitting your body to. It could be as simple as overuse stress building.

    Try this link - How to Buy the Right Running Shoe and Video that offer a few tips. 2nd Video with a blurb about Runners knee pain
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    probably too much too soon
  • dacpetz
    dacpetz Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for your advice! I went to a running store and got fitted for shoes! When I walk I put weight where my arch is and it was hurting my knees. Hopefully this helps!!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Good luck
  • only6icecubes
    only6icecubes Posts: 20 Member
    It takes time for the body to adjust to running. More so after a long layoff or being inactive. Keep in mind that your body has to absorb 5 to 6 times your body weight on each foot strike. The greatest impact will be at the feet and knees.

    Make sure you recover and don't do too much.

    It will get better.
  • DragonHasTheSapphire
    DragonHasTheSapphire Posts: 184 Member
    dacpetz wrote: »
    Started running two weeks ago after not being active for three years and my knees are killing me!!!! Any tips?? I dont know what is going on!

    There's your answer, or at least, there's one factor. If you haven't been active for 3 years, and all of a sudden running, you will be in quite a bit of pain for a while. I wear shoes made for diabetics with a good arch, I am not a diabetic, but I find them to be more comfortable.

    It does take a while for your body to become accustomed to exercise/running again after you haven't for a prolonged period of time. Lately my calves have been hurting and my ankles are giving me trouble because I starting amping my running distance too quickly. I find Epsom salt helps with that. I am also only 18, braces might also alleviate some of your pain.

    Good luck, and don't forget to fuel up before your runs!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    My friend with bunged up knees (too many parachute jumps) sought out soft running surfaces like grass or dirt paths. You might try that as well.
  • mengqiz86
    mengqiz86 Posts: 176 Member
    Need to weight train. Specifically single leg exercises to strengthen hips and the balancing muscles around the knees. Bulgarian split squats, single-leg deadlifts.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    good shoes are key, well done
    go slow
    slowly build up
    and i found softer terrain(trail running) is beneficial plus helps strengthen your ankles, knees and hips
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Probably too much too quickly.

    Also - grass/dirt is softer than asphalt, which is softer than concrete. Softer surfaces can help for some people.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    Definitely go to a running co type store and get fitted for good shoes. I had trouble with shin splints because i was trying to run in 20.00 shoes. I started running about 5 weeks ago.