A Tyler in Texas

Hi Y'all
I'm new to the DFW area, but have been on the health and fitness scene for a while. My family and I have moved to Keller, TX from Iowa back in April this year (2011).

My wife and I have started on a nutritional "meal replacement" shake and have had excellent success so far. In fact it has given us enough energy we went in search for a gym and started a weekly routine on slimming down and toning up.

MyFitnessPal has been an excellent help in the process and the new features are great! It's nice to see just how much I'm taking in and how much I'm working off so I know I can expect even more results.

Feel free to give me a holler on Facebook if you're in the area and care to share tips and/or workouts.


  • outtanms
    outtanms Posts: 237 Member
    Welcome to TX! I actually grew up and graduated from Keller (many years ago). Did you check out the new 24 hour fitness they built in Keller? It looks really nice, I use the one in Southlake but the one in Keller looks like it is a super nice one. Good luck to y'all!
  • Melatonin
    Melatonin Posts: 156 Member
    I lived in Keller for awhile. Just moved out of Texas though.

    Good luck and feel free to add if you'd like.
    I'm also apart of a group on FB that is called Fit for Life 4, and it's a great little group. Feel free to let me know if you want to join too :)
  • TyHobbit
    TyHobbit Posts: 9 Member
    Very cool,
    Yeah I've seen the new 24 Hour Fitness, very nice indeed.
    Steph and I went with a place called All American Family Fitness (over in NRH). Great rates, they have a daycare right there, free access to all their classes and I love the iPod ready and USB ports on the equipment (I'm quite the geek when it comes to that stuff).

    In fact that's another app I downloaded and have been using. They use Life Fitness equipment and so I downloaded the app to help keep track of all my workouts.

    I'll be sure to check out Fit for Life 4.