? about calories burned from cardio re: bodybuilding

MDC2957 Posts: 417 Member
Started doing a spin class a couple days a week for cardio health, using the myzone belt monitor thing. According to it, I burned 600 calories during the class this morning. If I don't want my weight training sessions to suffer, i.e. tomorrow, do I need to fully replace those calories I burned with food? Or how does factoring in cardio work with regard to building muscle and nutrition?


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited April 2018
    Are you trying to gain weight or maintain? You want to make sure you are keeping up with your calories over time. Especially with eating in a surplus it can be easy to fall behind with too much cardio. But some cardio can also have the effect of making you more hungry which can help! I would add some extra cals and monitor your weight trend and adjust from there.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    Are you trying to put on mass? Cardio is going to increase your calorie requirements, so if you're trying to put on mass, you would have to eat that much more to stay in a surplus.

    Most of my body building friends do very little cardio when they're bulking because they already have to eat a lot to maintain a consistent calorie surplus and don't want to have to eat even more.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    MDC2957 wrote: »
    I don't know that I necessarily need to gain weight, just want to add the muscle and lose the fat like everyone else I suppose. But I guess what my question is, is do I need to add another 600 calories on top of what I'd normally eat to replace the ones burned during the cardio?

  • ahilton1992
    ahilton1992 Posts: 49 Member
    Your question is basically - will my weight training sessions suffer if I don't replace ALL the calories that I burned the night before doing cardio?

    I would say no, just because you don't replace all of those calories, does NOT mean that your weight training session will suffer the next day.

    I also believe that will vary some person by person.