You know what really freakin' bothers me?!



  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    I remember recently I was ordering breakfast at egg white with peppers and spinach with LF swiss on an English muffin. But I also asked for two pieces of bacon. I like a little extra protein. The lady who was the cook stops...looks at me and says "Doesn't the bacon defeat the purpose?" I wanted to be like "Just do you job. Cook my food and shut up!"

    So annoying!

    People do it all the time. I can eat anything I want, as long as its within my calories.

    OMG! I mighta slugged her...LOL
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I remember recently I was ordering breakfast at egg white with peppers and spinach with LF swiss on an English muffin. But I also asked for two pieces of bacon. I like a little extra protein. The lady who was the cook stops...looks at me and says "Doesn't the bacon defeat the purpose?" I wanted to be like "Just do you job. Cook my food and shut up!"

    So annoying!

    People do it all the time. I can eat anything I want, as long as its within my calories.

    Why do people think bacon is bad for you?!? BACON EQUALS PROTEIN!!! I would have cussed her out...but thats just me!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    It may all be in your head. Most people I know (including myself) don't really pay attention to what other people are eating.

    I say eat and ignore.

    Exactly!!!!! I don't care if people stare- when eat, workout, shop - whatever. If they don't like what they see and dare to say something they will get quite an earful!!!!
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    The skinny girl is eating what it takes to remain skinny. We've become a society that tries to criminalize certain foods as good and bad, even though we know it's quantity. One small bag of chips isn't unhealthy, but eating a large bag of chips would be. You better believe consuming over one thousand calories worth of chips is a bad idea, and the reason many people are obese. Foods become a problem when an individual has no self-control. A piece of chocolate isn't unhealthy, but eating a bag of chocolates at once is. My diet consists of mostly vegetables, chicken, and fish; but every once in awhile, I'll have a potato chip snack. People judge other people. It's part of who we are as human beings. If an obese person is standing in front of a vending machine about to buy a yummy snack, onlookers will have a negative look, even if these onlookers are overweight too. Even so, body builders are also scrutinized when they go out in their muscle shirts as being fanatics. In the real world, people judge other people. This is what a skinny girl told me.

    "I work very hard to look this way! It isn't easy. I have to watch what I eat, and exercise. I'm tired of people saying that I don't have to work at this."
  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    I remember recently I was ordering breakfast at egg white with peppers and spinach with LF swiss on an English muffin. But I also asked for two pieces of bacon. I like a little extra protein. The lady who was the cook stops...looks at me and says "Doesn't the bacon defeat the purpose?" I wanted to be like "Just do you job. Cook my food and shut up!"

    So annoying!

    People do it all the time. I can eat anything I want, as long as its within my calories.

    Why do people think bacon is bad for you?!? BACON EQUALS PROTEIN!!! I would have cussed her out...but thats just me!

    I didn't want her to spit in my food. LOL
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I completely feel you! It's ridiculous...
    My brother in law (and other in laws) has always sort of looked down on me because I'm bigger and he watches me eat at times and it's like he's watching a lion eating a baby, with disgust. And I can be eating the healthiest at the table! But it's just because I'm eating. And if I eat more than 4 bites of something, that's the reason I'm fat. But he used to sit there and talk about how "Adorable" it was that his ex would eat half a bowl of brownie batter and they'd have to make another box and she'd take the cooked pan from him and eat the whole pan straight out of it, with ice cream on it....That was just soooo cute to him - Because she was 120 lbs. But anyone who is heavy who eats, deserves to be fat.
    I get the same thing from my FIL - when we go out to eat, I'll get a 6-8oz sirloin steak, a small salad and a cup of chili - especially if I've done weights that day! I get treated like I'm being a pig. But you know what? I don't let it bother me for one reason....I've lost 130 lbs - He's slowly gaining all the time because he lives on Snickers bars and beer! lol.

    So you're def not alone! Just keep doing your thing!! ;)
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    The skinny girl is eating what it takes to remain skinny. We've become a society that tries to criminalize certain foods as good and bad, even though we know it's quantity. One small bag of chips isn't unhealthy, but eating a large bag of chips would be. You better believe consuming over one thousand calories worth of chips is a bad idea, and the reason many people are obese. Foods become a problem when an individual has no self-control. A piece of chocolate isn't unhealthy, but eating a bag of chocolates at once is. My diet consists of mostly vegetables, chicken, and fish; but every once in awhile, I'll have a potato chip snack. People judge other people. It's part of who we are as human beings. If an obese person is standing in front of a vending machine about to buy a yummy snack, onlookers will have a negative look, even if these onlookers are overweight too. Even so, body builders are also scrutinized when they go out in their muscle shirts as being fanatics. In the real world, people judge other people. This is what a skinny girl told me.

    "I work very hard to look this way! It isn't easy. I have to watch what I eat, and exercise. I'm tired of people saying that I don't have to work at this."

    Love this comment! I've since learnt (thanks to MFP) that those 'thin people that could eat whatever they wanted' don't actually exist - they simply don't indulge as much as larger people. Has anyone seen the UK Channel 4 programme Supersize V Superskinny? - explains a lot as to why people are at polar ends of the weight spectrum.
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    The skinny girl is eating what it takes to remain skinny. We've become a society that tries to criminalize certain foods as good and bad, even though we know it's quantity. One small bag of chips isn't unhealthy, but eating a large bag of chips would be. You better believe consuming over one thousand calories worth of chips is a bad idea, and the reason many people are obese. Foods become a problem when an individual has no self-control. A piece of chocolate isn't unhealthy, but eating a bag of chocolates at once is. My diet consists of mostly vegetables, chicken, and fish; but every once in awhile, I'll have a potato chip snack. People judge other people. It's part of who we are as human beings. If an obese person is standing in front of a vending machine about to buy a yummy snack, onlookers will have a negative look, even if these onlookers are overweight too. Even so, body builders are also scrutinized when they go out in their muscle shirts as being fanatics. In the real world, people judge other people. This is what a skinny girl told me.

    "I work very hard to look this way! It isn't easy. I have to watch what I eat, and exercise. I'm tired of people saying that I don't have to work at this."

    I love this comment!!!!
  • Kitty412
    Kitty412 Posts: 152
    I hear ya! Amen
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    It is such a catch 22. If you over eat you are judge and if you are eating healthy people don't take you seriously. I turned down fast food the other day and my coworker was a bit surpried. Yeah i am fat but I have never eat Mcdonalds and don't plan to start now.
  • mahosmama
    I try to stick to my calorie allotment and do pretty at it, but the woman who sits next to me is always talking about raw food and seeds that are supposed to be "good" for you. Last week, for a snack I got a bag out of my lunch box, 100 calorie Keebler cookies. When she saw them, she said "You know that isn't real food." I asked her to not criticize my food and mind her own business. She said that was her opinion and she was entitled to it. She could say whatever she wanted to say. She made me so angry, I am not talking to her now.

    Why do people feel they can say whatever they want regardless of how they make you feel.
  • Quiltmania
    How come when I eat anything, even something healthy, I get the looks and the "should you be eating that?" But when some skinny girl is stuffing her face with doritos and brownies and other crap that's not healthy, no one says anything other than "wow, where do you put that?" Guess what, you might be able to what you want and stay SKINNY, but you damn sure can't eat what you want and stay HEALTHY!

    Because, unfortunately in this society it is still considered ok to bully, discriminate, and otherwise put down overweight people. This is the only group that society will not get in an uproar over not being tolerated.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I actually look at this differently. I don't think that when I see a "skinny" girl eat something unhealthy, because I believe a very, very small minority of people are just skinny....we just don't see them working out....and they probably don't eat that cupcake or Doritos all the time. I've come to learn this. For them it's a treat (usually), for our "former selves" it was an all the time thing....hence we are the ones over weight. Just a different perspective. :-)
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    Lol...ok, I totally know what you mean. I also love the way some skinny people look at overweight people with that 'uh-huh' scoff when they order a salad in a restaurant, because you KNOW they are thinking that overweight people NEVER eat salad and that they think that we're all just sitting around stuffing our face with whoopie pies and chocolate bars that we keep on reserve in our purses. It reminds me of Eddie Murphy playing Sherman Klump in the Nutty Professor, when he's sitting at the table with his family and trying to eat all healthy and he's acting all dainty about putting tiny little pieces of food on his fork... it's the perfect visualization of my point. lol.
  • wozzy38
    wozzy38 Posts: 137 Member
    I hear ya!
  • nicole_1234
    nicole_1234 Posts: 1 Member
    I agree!! It also bugs me when people assume just because i'm losing weight I shouldnt be eating a chocolate bar, chips, etc. Sometimes I am way under my calories for the day, and feel I can treat myself once in a while! People need to mind their own business.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    i know what eat.

    i know the reason why i eat.

    i dont give a damn what anyone else thinks.period.