Picking a Goal Weight?



  • sharneseconey7376
    sharneseconey7376 Posts: 19 Member
    edited April 2018
    I picked mine based first on bmi then on the clothing size I want to wear. I wore a size 7 in high school so I am aiming for that also
  • BattyKnitter
    BattyKnitter Posts: 503 Member
    I just picked a random number in the healthy BMI range to give myself something to shoot for. I don't actually care that much where I end up on the scale, in the end I just want to like what I see in the mirror.
  • Sthsidirish
    Sthsidirish Posts: 22 Member
    edited April 2018
    My initial goal weight was determined by the 120 pounds I decided I wanted to lose. So I guess mine was determined by the fact I wanted to be able to say that when asked "how much have you lost". Along the way I started to pick clothing sizes I'd hoped to be in when I reached that goal.

    I have taken off the pounds and can fit into those clothes. Currently working on maintaining where I'm at while I decide if I want to lose more.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I consulted a BMI chart. For my height, the middle of the 'healthy' range was about 160. What the hell? I haven't been 160 since I was 10. I'll try for it.
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 518 Member
    As of right now my goal weight is 180, that was what my Dr wants to see me at, according to bmi that would put me just into the overweight column, when I hit that, I'll reevaluate.
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Been thinking a lot about this. My first goal was to get back down to 150–overweight for me but a place I felt pretty good at. Now that I’ve done that, I want to actually achieve a normal BMI, haven’t been there since my early 20’s. So, I’m shooting for 135 (I’m 5’2.5”). and see how it goes. 14 pounds to go.
  • Vicham76
    Vicham76 Posts: 59 Member
    My initial goal is to get to 220. I know what I looked like then and knew I could trim from there. I’m at 245 now and I’m going to get a body fat calliper tool. I want to start measuring my fat % and work at that instead of weight. I think the BMI chart will have me looking lanky and gaunt at 6’ tall and 170 lbs. Need to up my muscle mass and lower my fat %!!
  • bikecheryl
    bikecheryl Posts: 1,432 Member
    It's been on my mind alot too !

    I'm 58..... 5'4" My initial goal is 160 lbs..... that puts me in the "overweight" BMI.

    The middle range would be 140 lbs.

    But seriously..... I can not fathom my body at 140lbs....... not when I was 288 lbs a year ago.

    I'm going to stick to 160 lbs when I get there, work on maintenance for 6 months and re-evaluate.
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    I went a different way and decided I wanted to be at the highest healthy weight I could with a few pounds for fluctuations.

    The reason I did this was because I want to be able to eat as many calories as I can in maintenance.
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    My ”end goal” weight is currently to get below 80kg/176lbs, and see how my body looks and feels there. It’s still ”overweight” BMI, and my initial goal was under 75kg which would be just under the line between overweight and normal weight. I have since realized that it might be too low for me since I do weightlifting, and have a large frame and a large bust. My trainer helped me out with this realization, he’s a short dude with lots of muscle and confessed that his BMI puts him in obese. My most immediate goal is to weigh less than him.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    I just want a number that looks good in the mirror.....makes my doctor happy.....and a number I can maintain easily!
    I am not going to climb mountains...do 25k races or starve.
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    I picked my number because it was what I weighed before I had my first child over 11 years ago. I danced ballet for 16 years and weighed 118 at 5'7" in high school. I never looked lanky because I had toned lean muscle from all the dancing. Once I stopped dancing and started partying a little too much, I got up to 145 right before my husband and I got pregnant. At the time I didn't care for the extra weight because I was soft and squishy from all the alcohol and late night jack in the box tacos (they taste so good when you're drunk ;) ). Now that I am a 35 year old wife and mother of 2, I don't want to be my highschool weight again. I would like to be 145 like I was but with a different body composition than before. I want less body fat percentage and more muscle and a flat tummy. I want an actual booty again unlike the mess of one that took on the shape of my chair from working a desk job for 16 years. I don't drink much anymore and fast food is starting to become less frequent. I just want to look like a healthy fit mommy and feel good in my own skin again. I don't want to be a smaller version of my muffin top self that I am now. Bottom line, I just know what I want to look and feel like.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,236 Member
    2018 age 70 I chose one pound below my High School football playing weight at 185. At age 65 2013 my SW 376.

    January I asked Dr note for GW to submit to WW since my above BMI normal weight. I lost an inch in aging to 5’8”. Dr wanted to set GW at 179. That would be 15# over 164 above normal BMI. Thought too low.

    Weighed 183 3/29/18 to make GW.
    Last week I was 179.4!
    CW 181
  • brig220
    brig220 Posts: 52 Member
    Mirror and blood panel wants me a at the low end of my healthy BMI, but I am small boned.
  • Styggian
    Styggian Posts: 465 Member
    I used this BMI chart 2u9tl7yd3u5z.png
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I chose based on a weight I achieved while breastfeeding. I was lucky in that the weight just kept coming off while breastfeeding without even trying.

    I’m a shorty, only 5 feet tall, but I feel good at 113. I like the way I look at that weight. It’s right in the middle of my BMI range.

    I’m only 5 pounds away, but I’ve been 5 pounds or less away (sometimes a more than 5) for years. It’s so hard for me to make those changes to reach goal. It’s a lot of focus and feeling hungry, which sucks - lol
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    edited April 2018
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Never had one...I knew what I wanted to look like in the mirror but had no idea how the number on the scale would translate to that. I've always though some specific number on the scale as a goal was kind of arbitrary.

    That about sums it up for me. I started out with 225 lbs in my mind as a goal, but when I hit 225 my BF% was still too high for my liking. At that point, I threw any idea of goal weight out the window and decided to go purely by what I saw in the mirror instead. I don't walk around wearing a scale number for everyone to see every day, so why worry about it? How my body looks is a lot more relevant and obvious than what the scale says.

    The nice thing about choosing a goal weight (if that's the way one chooses to go) is that nothing is written in stone. Pick a number that sounds nice to you and get busy. If you get partway there and are satisfied, congratulations - you've just reached your goal. If you get there and still aren't satisfied, change your goal. You're not irrevocably committed to a number on the scale just because it's what you initially chose.
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