Nursing student new to myfitnesspal and need encouragement!

Hello everyone! My name is Christy and I've had this account for a while but didn't use it like I should. I'm in nursing school now so it has been very difficult to concentrate on losing weight and exercising along with all the studying and long days. I also have my wedding coming up next September and I would love to feel amazing in my wedding dress! If anyone has some encouraging words or helpful hints for me, I would very much appreciate it! Friend me! Thanks! :)


  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    Good luck! YOU CAN DO IT
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hello from a fellow nursing student!!
    Feel free to add me and join my support forum. We can support and motivate each other!
  • Hey I'm a nursing student too!!!
    Welcome to MFP
    Feel free to add me :)
  • littleluvbug
    littleluvbug Posts: 137 Member
    Nursing student as well! Graduate May 2012! Welcome aboard!
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    Im breaking the cycle...NOT a nursing student, though I'm hospital employee, a respiratory therapist!! Add me if you want!! YOU GOT THIS!
  • carriong11
    carriong11 Posts: 8 Member
    Just keep the image in your head on how great youre going to look and feel! You Got This!
  • congrats on getting married! definitely add people on here and everyone is very encouraging! good luck!
  • diana77
    diana77 Posts: 59 Member
    Being a nursing student my self i know how hard and stressfull it can be to have soo much on once plate, You can do it second time is a charm.... Please feel free to add me GOOD LUCK!!
  • Hi I am new to the plan, and it is my first week. Firstly I am not very mobile, due to severe arthritis and fibromyalgia among other problems. Iam 63 years old and have tried so many times to diet, but must admit that I find this plan very encouraging. I kept
    within my allowance and managed to include 2 or 3 brandies some days lol and lost 6lb. I am so chuffed I want to shout from the tree tops. I do hope you manage to get down at least one dress size for your forthcoming weddig. Look my friend, if I can be lazy (due to mobility problems) then I am sure you will be able to manage the plan. Wish you all the luck in the world in getting prepared for you wedding day - regards Joani - xxx
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    I am a nursing student as well. Good luck :)
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    I am new to this site, but have been losing weight since last year. Try you best to keep a positive attitude and TRY not to dwell on it being hard. I know that in itself is hard, but try to look at one small thing at a time to do. Start with journalling. Have your first goal to be keeping track of your food for seven days straight. That's it. Just work that in. Once you can do that and carve out a few minutes each day to do so, then you can try something else, like maybe cutting out sugared soda, or fried foods, or adding a fruit for a snack....anything, but continue your food diary.
    Next.....NEVER, I am NEVER look at weight loss as "do or die". If you mess up one day, don't beat yourself up. You are on a long journey and every day that you have a GOOD day or every week that you do not gain weight is a step in a healthier direction.
    Practice mindful eating....sit down without distractions to TV, no books....give yourself a smaller plate and maybe even smaller utensils, set a nice place setting and sit down and chew slowly and taste your food. Pay attention to your hunger cues. You'll be surprised how fast you actually fill up when you are eating slowly and paying attention. Once you fill up, put the food away and eat more when you feel hungry.
    Learn to read the nutrition labels and pay attention to them. Remember that carbs and sugars make you feel hungry.
    Try to slowly cut down your can get used to eating smaller amounts, especially when you chew more and eat slowly.
    Remember, it's ONE STEP AT A TIME and you will sometimes choose something that isn't a great choice and that is OK. You might have a few days of unhealthy eating and that is OK. Just as long as you always return to the desired path and keep going, you will do well. Remove the negative, soak up the positive! Find something good you did every day!
    Good luck!!!!!
  • Thanks so much for all the tips! They will definitely help me a lot! :)
  • sej1990
    sej1990 Posts: 96 Member
    I went to MA school lol. I know it is hard because a lot of us is going through the same thing, working long days come home exhausted not wanting to work or getting up in the morning not wanting to work out cause they are not fully awake. as for me i work out right when i wake up its easier to say cause i dont have a job right now :^( but i do it before i eat anything and i think if you try that it might help a little, do not ignore your cravings because it will only become worse just eat a little bit of it.
    Congratulations on your wedding coming up :^)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    hello and welcome to mfp. feel free to add me. im a nurse too
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Soon to be nursing student here.. start in Sept. :) Welcome to a great weight loss tool and support community! :)

    Uniform fitting will be better for us for being 'losers' eh! :)