Cutting Calories, Working Out, Gaining Weight?

Hello All,

Just Venting, and hoping that I am not alone. Due to time and quality of life reasons, I have reduced my cardio and added in more exercises with weights, Pilates, total body routines, for an over all body sculpting outcome. It has been fun and intense.
I am also watching what I eat, staying well under my goal, but the scale is not moving down. Its moving up! I am not sure how I feel about it since I was only looking to lose about 5 pounds and tone, but I feel as though I was losing weight when eating a ton of junk and being cardio crazy.

Whew! Vent over. I have read a lot about changing the routine, building up muscle before dropping pounds, but it is not fun to go through!!


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    How long ago did you change your workouts? How long has it been since you lost?
  • Diastole
    Diastole Posts: 15 Member
    Might be muscle gain or water weight due to muscles being used more than usual (something about muscles microtearing and retaining water for safety).

    If you`re slim keep track of body width measurements. This`ll help you realise that the weight you`re gaining is muscle and not fat. A photo diary can also help you keep track of how your muscles are developing (rounder bum, noticeable biceps, stronger thighs) in case you`re worried that a higher width means higher body fat.

    All in all, keep in mind that strength based workouts mean developing muscles, and muscles weigh more than fat. So a higher weight may well mean more muscles and that body tone you want!
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    If you're in a healthy weight range, expect to lose 5 pounds slowly. Let me give you an example of why I won't see weightloss for almost a month.

    I'm relatively lean for my weight, for starters.

    Let's say I start reducing my calories a week before my period. I can only really lose a half pound per week, that's barely enough time to get into a deficit before the scale is going to go up REGARDLESS because of water retention from my period, on top of that maybe I added a new exercise routine or extra volume on my workouts so I'm about to finish my period but still retaining water from exercise.'d think maybe I'd see a loss after those two weeks but HEY now we're ovulating, I always gain 3 pounds.

    Who knows what else happens...maybe I'm in a deficit on the weekend, but I had a higher sodium/carb day. Water retention.

    Maybe you haven't gone to the bathroom for a couple days...weight on the scale.


    Honestly, you have to track your weight from one point during the month to the next month. I can really get like one true weigh in per month.
  • Neckita
    Neckita Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback and info!!