Starting over again... but for real this time

DarlingDreamer Posts: 3 Member
edited April 2018 in Getting Started
Hey there friends!
I’m starting over my health journey after falling off it for 2 years. Would love to find some like minded people to join me in this weight loss journey


  • Modini1978
    Modini1978 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I just started back up too so I'm in the same boat. I'll send you a request :)
  • Jadub729
    Jadub729 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm back too, lost 50lbs gained back 40, down 9 from when I started 3 weeks ago. UGH here we go again
  • jrbovee20
    jrbovee20 Posts: 76 Member
    In need of some serious motivators. I've been going backwards the last couple weeks. Let's Get Fit!
  • pokequeeen
    pokequeeen Posts: 9 Member
    falling off the wagon for a few years and putting on 60 pounds im almost 3 weeks in to my new workout class and healthier eating. down 2.5% body fat already! we got this :smile:
  • Luvmee4ever
    Luvmee4ever Posts: 1 Member
    Fell off the wagon and ready to start the new me. Need positive reinforcement to keep going.
  • klauss_torres
    klauss_torres Posts: 14 Member
    I failed many times :D but now I know I should keep going forward and not get defeated when I get "distracted"
  • nicolesdoinit
    nicolesdoinit Posts: 12 Member
    I am right there with u...i was on here and lost 75lbs....then gained most back, it’s been a rough 2 1/2 years. But I’m back and gonna do it again and stay at it this time! Best of luck to ya!:)
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    ChildrenCryinNCoffee Posts: 477 Member
    Everyone feel free to add me! Open diary. Active friend!
  • doxielvr13
    doxielvr13 Posts: 40 Member
    I have recently restarted also... Open diary to friends. Feel free to add me.
  • missdmays
    missdmays Posts: 9 Member
    hey you guys ! im starting all over again . im shooting to lose 70 pound the least . does anybody have any advise for me ? everytime I try to lose weight I never make it past 5 pounds sooo some motivation and tips would be amazing (: not giving up this time either . feel free to add me also
  • amlelas68
    amlelas68 Posts: 69 Member
    The only advice I can give is log everything you eat no matter what it is. You are human and no one is perfect at this. When you mess up just get back on immediately. Finding people that are the same journey has helped me.

    I too have been where you are and started fresh in January and so far as long as I stay consistent with logging /drinking water and getting some exercise I have been able to loose some weight now. You can do this!!!!
  • MindyBruno
    MindyBruno Posts: 535 Member
    I am starting over too. Lost 73 pounds. In the last year I have gained 35 back. I just ate a ton of birthday cake. I don't know why, know I am sick to my stomach and way over calories and still need to have dinner:( Feel free to friend me.
  • WonderWoman5304
    WonderWoman5304 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting again too, 30 lbs to lose.

  • bvff35
    bvff35 Posts: 74 Member
    I am into my 3rd day of starting again.
  • SuperWy1010
    SuperWy1010 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm starting over too. UGH! feel free to add me friends.
  • vtek79
    vtek79 Posts: 8 Member
    count me in as well! im about 5 days into coming back. Cutting out the bad carbs and sugar and having more healthy fats and protein!
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    edited May 2018
    I am starting again, also. I had lost 70 pounds and loved using my cell phone to track calories on MFP but then my cell phone would no longer support the app. Got hard to run and find a computer to keep up on MFP and gained back 15 pounds. Watched the scale and started to get too close to 200, so I am back again. Tracking on computer. Very inconvenient after using the phone for over a year. Love to scan those UPC's. Need to save some $ to replace my old phone, I guess.

    In the meantime, I am logging on paper. If I don't I feel like I will forget what I have consumed. Then in evening have to use MFP on computer to check to see how close I have gotten to my calorie limit. But for now, guess that is best way for me to stay on track.

  • arich224
    arich224 Posts: 2 Member
    Girl, YES. So many ups and downs with this journey. Nice to see I'm not the only one out here struggling! lol