Lets here it! I wanna know what kicked you guys into gear!

Why did you guys start your weight loss journey?? Also, does anyone have some weird end goals they're looking forward to?

I’ve always been on and off but recently having a struggle thats keeping me focused. Im an EMT and wear size 14 pants. My pants are ripping in the thigh and are just about worn out but are so comfyyy. Anywhoo i ordered another size 14 and they came just in time when the leg ripped. Tried them on to find out THEY DONT FIT!! these pants were fcking $75 dollars. Some of the only EMS pants that dont fit like a garbage bag and they dont fckinggg fit! Lol apparently my size 14s originally fit cause they were worn and stretched. So here i am back on my calorie counting trying to lose weight to fit into my new pants before my old ones completely rip. (Ive sewed them once already, about to go for round 2)


  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    I started because my asthma didn't seem to be getting any better, I was sick of how I looked and having zero to no confidence when it came to my appearance/weight. I also saw a picture of myself that my friend took and I was horrified by how I looked and how much weight I had put on
  • littlebear0121
    littlebear0121 Posts: 1,073 Member
    ShaeSweetne...I used to be an EMT, too. Thanks for your service--what a difficult line of work. My turning point was realizing that I'm a terrible example to my kids. When under stress, I would go and eat something salty or chocolately, and a LOT of it! I was also not exercising consistently but I need to. If you want to friend me and stalk my diary, go ahead :)
  • zorrocat
    zorrocat Posts: 153 Member
    I started running when I quit smoking six years ago, in a desire to start making healthier decisions. Now I'm mostly focused on maintenance and 10K training.
  • andreascjonsson
    andreascjonsson Posts: 433 Member
    I started when i broke up with my ex becouse i wanted to get back in shape to how i was before we became together and i also wanted to start with mma again. I have 2 goals, one is to get a 6-pack for the first time in my life(wich doesnt seem to happen no matter how low my weight get) and the other is to go an amature mma bout again and win!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    I started a desk job and gained a bunch of weight, lost a bunch, then had two kids, so I'm back at it now. I want to be healthy and show my kids good eating and exercise habits, something I didn't have growing up.
    Weirdly, nothing really. My goals are pretty simple and boring :)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I got blood tests that said my blood sugar was high. I didn't want to have to restrict the types of foods I can eat, so I decided to lose weight and that worked for my blood sugar. My end goal: to delay future diabetes or hopefully prevent it. Neither my reason nor my goal are too exciting.
  • jessicarose22492
    jessicarose22492 Posts: 59 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    i had a heart condition that was supposed to kill me but it didnt. I was bed ridden for 2 years through the funnest years of my life for most people (20-22) ...Developed a hoarding habit since i couldnt get out to shop often of high calorie freezer foods among other things. Put on alot of weight and hated my life stuck in bed needing help to even get to the bathroom. Over time it sort of passed and i got a bit stronger and it sort of just spiraled. Now i can walk literally all day and i work as a mover lifting heavy often. Go figure. I just wanted part of my early 20s to not suck. Now if only i could shake the anti social that 2 years in bed hating yourself brings id be set lol.

    GIRL I feel you!! I had 3 back surgeries during my 22nd year of life - I gained about 60lb that year because I couldn't walk - shoot, I could barely move without having terrible pain and was pretty much bed-ridden. There's no telling why things happen to us but I'm proud of you for overcoming it. If you ever need a friend, I'm here and can relate (at least on some level) <3
  • MerryMavis1
    MerryMavis1 Posts: 73 Member
    Why did you guys start your weight loss journey?? Also, does anyone have some weird end goals they're looking forward to?

    I’ve always been on and off but recently having a struggle thats keeping me focused. Im an EMT and wear size 14 pants. My pants are ripping in the thigh and are just about worn out but are so comfyyy. Anywhoo i ordered another size 14 and they came just in time when the leg ripped. Tried them on to find out THEY DONT FIT!! these pants were fcking $75 dollars. Some of the only EMS pants that dont fit like a garbage bag and they dont fckinggg fit! Lol apparently my size 14s originally fit cause they were worn and stretched. So here i am back on my calorie counting trying to lose weight to fit into my new pants before my old ones completely rip. (Ive sewed them once already, about to go for round 2)

    Blood work showed high/pre-diabetic glucose numbers. T2 is common in my family but so is obesity. Lost the extra weight (50ishlbs) to see if it would make a difference and discovered that the weight loss normalized my glucose numbers into the 80s. Been maintaining the weight loss and better health markers for just over 5 years now :)
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Being pre-diabetic and turning 40 this year, it's pretty much now or never.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Really bad blood work when I went in for my 38th birthday physical. Doctor told me that if I didn't get things turned around I was looking to be very sick by my 60s at minimum. My dad passed at the ripe old age of 61 and I was heading strait down that path.

    At the time, my kids were 2 and newborn...when I'm 60, my oldest will be 24 and my youngest will be 22. The thought of being sick or dead when my kids are merely in their 20s was unacceptable.

    I didn't really start out to lose weight...eating more healthfully for my conditions and getting my fitness back (i was a competitive athlete growing up) were top priority...losing weight was more or less a bi-product.
  • knotgood77
    knotgood77 Posts: 69 Member
    Looking to continue enjoying the BBQ I make, without continuing to buy pants with a bigger waistline.....so far so good!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    i had a heart condition that was supposed to kill me but it didnt. I was bed ridden for 2 years through the funnest years of my life for most people (20-22) ...Developed a hoarding habit since i couldnt get out to shop often of high calorie freezer foods among other things. Put on alot of weight and hated my life stuck in bed needing help to even get to the bathroom. Over time it sort of passed and i got a bit stronger and it sort of just spiraled. Now i can walk literally all day and i work as a mover lifting heavy often. Go figure. I just wanted part of my early 20s to not suck. Now if only i could shake the anti social that 2 years in bed hating yourself brings id be set lol.

    GIRL I feel you!! I had 3 back surgeries during my 22nd year of life - I gained about 60lb that year because I couldn't walk - shoot, I could barely move without having terrible pain and was pretty much bed-ridden. There's no telling why things happen to us but I'm proud of you for overcoming it. If you ever need a friend, I'm here and can relate (at least on some level) <3

    Sad but happy to not be alone :) Its a rough thing to overcome it makes you feel very very alone
  • Kadoober
    Kadoober Posts: 289 Member
    I had bulging discs in my back, and some shoulder tendonitis, which led to me stopping pretty much all physical activity for a few months. What muscle I had turned to goo, and I looked huge.

    I went for PT on my shoulder and learned that I could quickly work my deltoids to exhaustion with TWO POUND WEIGHTS. I was horrified and immediately signed up at my local Y.

    I continue to be amazed at the fact that deadlifting has relieved my back pain more than anything else I have ever tried.