Anyone doing slim fast ??



  • GottaClue
    GottaClue Posts: 12 Member
    Oh make sure to grab the 20 gram protein vs the normal 10. They are much heavier.
  • LJay89
    LJay89 Posts: 91 Member
    I drink a pint of semi-skimmed milk to help me reach my protein goal if I don't see myself hitting through actual food. Does that count?
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    I started the Slim-Fast Optima plan in Jan. 2008. I started walking everyday, increasing time and speed over time. I lost 82# by Sept of that same year. I had a lot of support from their dieticians and THEY DID help you with calorie and nutrient needs. They gave a lot of suggestions for meals and snacks. It wasn't just shakes, it was also meal bars as well as regular, everyday foods that you would usually have on hand included with lunch and supper (for me). You could do their plan and never even eat or drink their products. I was very happy with them until they changed the plan to the 3.2.1 and after. I have kept off the weight and still stick close to my basic caloric intake everyday: Breakfast 200 (sometimes more) calories, snack 100 cal, lunch, 400 cal., snack 100 cal, supper 500 cal., snack 100 cal. As far as maintenance SF helps with that as well, slowly adding until you find where you maintain at. Of course your calories and nutrients depend on the amount you have to lose as well as your activity level. We all have to find what works for us. Best wishes on your journey.
  • LisaB272
    LisaB272 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm just about to have my weigh in for my first week and I really enjoyed this week. It's an easy diet as in there's very little prep work - just your 3 snacks and 1 meal. I've been having a shake for breakfast and dinner and eating a proper 600 calorie meal at lunchtime along with my 3 snacks totaling 300 cals. My plan is to eat 1200 cals a day for a weight loss of hopefully 2lbs a week and if I forget my shake one day I'll just substitute it with something to eat for the same calories or incorporate it with my snack. Hoping it will give me the kick start i need... I can already tell my trousers are more comfortable on me.
  • heidibutterfly
    heidibutterfly Posts: 37 Member

    I’m a bit late to this party! I started the slimfast plan on Friday, have lost 2lbs in 5 days so not as good as some of you guys but it’s a start
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    It can work for some.
    It does not work for me as I have found I need to chew to feel full. I need chewing, fiber, and protein. So for me drinking my calories does not fill me up at all and thus it is significantly worse then a glass of water or coffee or tea and some solid food.
    That said when I had my mouth wired shut for two days a decade or so ago with surgery it was the best thing ever in terms of can be consumed thru a straw.
  • nicolesdoinit
    nicolesdoinit Posts: 12 Member
    I have a slim fast every morning for breakfast.
  • cct204
    cct204 Posts: 181 Member
    Slimfast is always my go-to when I need to lose weight quickly, because of the calorie control. I don't have to mess around and try to figure out how many calories I'm eating for each meal. Just shake breakfast, shake lunch and then 300-500 calorie dinner + 2 snacks.

    Every time I've done it, I've lost around 10 pounds. But everyone is right- for sustainability, you have to add back in "normal" meals and make sure you're logging them properly or you'll gain the weight right back.

    Good luck! <3
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I am on a modtly liquid diet for medical reasons and wow slim fast is expensive. I mostly drink ensure/boost and breakfast essentials (which has the same nutrients and by same company as boost but cheaper grr) whichever is on sale that week