
Hello all my name is Veronica and i am new here..
I tried a lot of diets and tried excercise but just realized what my problem is... IM LAZY....
Im married with 2 little girls a two year old and a 4 mth old... I need to do this not just for me but for them..
So im going to give this my all... my girls need their mom.. my husband needs his wife and i need to feel good about myself again...
So here goes nothing.


  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Hello & welcome Veronica! You can do this...just take it one day at a time and if you have slip-ups don't beat yourself up, just get right back into it. (I say this from experience...lol) Good luck...I know you'll do great!!
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    Hello all my name is Veronica and i am new here..
    I tried a lot of diets and tried excercise but just realized what my problem is... IM LAZY....
    Im married with 2 little girls a two year old and a 4 mth old... I need to do this not just for me but for them..
    So im going to give this my all... my girls need their mom.. my husband needs his wife and i need to feel good about myself again...
    So here goes nothing.
    Or "here goes something"...as in the weight loss! Welcome aboard!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Add me! I also have a support forum group if you're interested. Like Sherry said, one day at a time. Results don't happen immediately, trust me. But you have to keep at it!
  • floresvn1
    floresvn1 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks :)
  • MellyPfromVT
    MellyPfromVT Posts: 869 Member
    I have two small kids as well. It makes it hard to find time to take care of ourselves but it is worth it when we do! Good luck! You'll do great here!
  • makpitt
    makpitt Posts: 18
    This is the first step. Realize that you are worth it. Your happiness is directly related to your physical well-being. You are a role model for your children, too. You deserve to feel good and be happy.
    I finally started to take care of myself when I realized that my bad habilts were affecting my son who became overweight. It's not a diet but a life-style. I now choose to eat healthy, nutritious foods and exercise regularly. My son has lost weight and has gained so much confidence. I applaud your decision to try. I wish you well! good luck.
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member

    Good luck! I believe in you! One day at a time.
  • floresvn1
    floresvn1 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone i woke up today feeling good about myself and right now i feel great...
  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    Hi Veronica, I'll be right here with you and we will take it one day at a time