Hormones/Insulin out of balance? No weight loss!

Hi Everyone!

I've just had my 6 week check up with my dietitian and after 6 weeks of eating no more than 1700 cals per day and exercising 6 days a week my weight has not changed. When I say hasn't changed i'm no where near my goal weight with 30 kilos still to lose.

i recently seen an iridologist (looks into your eyes) and he thought I have underlying hormone problems and maybe polcystic ovary syndrome.

My dietitian thinks this is the case and has ordered me blood tests to check my hormone levels and an insulin level check 9 a two hour test). Another cause could also be my anti depressants. I had to have open heart surgery 2 years ago at the age of 24 and due to the stress surrounding it they put me on them.

I'm going to get the checks done and get doctors advise to stop the medication, just wondering if anyone has gone through what I have and how they fixed it? my dietitian has recommended in the mean time lower/better carbs - that is no carbs after 7pm and NO refined white carbs.

Also, I'm loving this website and would love some more motivating buddies if anyone would like to add me!

Thanks in advance for any advice :)


  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    I have PCOS and from what I have read on line, it does seem that going with healthier/ non-processed carbs is helpful. I have had weight issues for years and this is the first thing that has worked for me since my PCOS diagnosis 8 years ago. Look into diabetic diets and kind of go along w/ that. It's not impossible to lose weight w/ PCOS - I'm proof.
  • carpediem3
    carpediem3 Posts: 320 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in January after years and years of weight and hormone issues. If you watch your diet, follow what the doctor tells you, and exercise you CAN lose weight. I'm also proof, 47lbs down since my diagnosis :) Best of luck to you!
  • Jayra
    Jayra Posts: 10 Member
    I have PCOS as well. Here is a link to a good inspirational post by someone who has PCOS and has lost weight: http://www.facebook.com/notes/danielle-renee-reynolds-collins/how-do-i-get-my-motivation/10150398283092575

    Good luck and don't believe people when they say its impossible to lose weight with PCOS, because its not! you can do it! :)
  • MsALMill
    MsALMill Posts: 75 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance years ago and let that be my excuse for a long time. I didn't think I ate too much, I didn't eat every meal and didn't stay on my butt all the time. In April something just hit me, I don't know if it was my students talking behind my back, my lack of confidence in myself even when someone told me I was beautiful. I never felt beautiful because I am FAT and grew up being made fun of by classmates and family. I let those words bring me even further down although I always showed myself as a happy go lucky kinda girl and no one saw the tears. Well back to April something clicked within me and I knew I had to lose weight to get myself back together. I was a mess and only 1 person knew exactly how I felt and even at the distance we are (Irish penpal who has become the best friend in my whole life and the love of my life) he has always been the only person who has ever made me feel really beautiful in who I am. I decided I needed to feel beautiful all the time and that in my eye being obese wasn't beautiful on me. This wonderful Irish man of mine found MFP for me back in the beginning of May and I have used it religiously ever since. Since then I have lost 30 pounds and was told just last week that my blood work is showing up more regulated now and that if I keep it up soon I won't be on any of the medicine for insulin resistance. I don't even worry about the amount of carbs as long as I stay below the calories each day I've done well.
    Good luck I know you can do it!!!
  • Fraileya19
    One of my best friends has PCOS and her Dr. put her on Metformin and she has lost weight. She was told she has a high level of testosterone (she rarely got her period due to this). After she started taking Metformin she lost 11lbs and is on her weight to losing more.

    I would talk to your Dr. and see if this is an option.
  • Jessb1985
    Jessb1985 Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone! Seems like it would be worth the check up :)