I started my journey at about 150lbs 2 years ago. I am 5'7 and thought i could stand to lose some weight. I started out just by working out at the gym on the treadmill and dropped about 15 lbs the first year. This last year is more diffucult. I would like to get down to 120lbs. I started using MFP in january and also starting doing zumba and weightlifting as well as the treadmill. I am down to 130lbs but can not budge from there. I have lost a few lbs or gained a few lbs but always returing to 130lbs within a few days. I typically am under my calorie goal and am wondering if this could be the problem? although i eat when i am hungry i usually eat lower calorie healthy foods so i do not use alot of my calories sometimes. I dont want to eat when i am NOT hungry just to use up more calories. any suggestions or ideas about why i can NOT lose anymore weight or what else i can do?


  • dbasch112
    dbasch112 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there. I am a nutritionist and personal trainer and joined this site to keep up with my clients. Without knowing how long, intensity, frequency of your exercise - my suggestion is to add high-intensity intervals. Warm up, go hard for 2 minutes (cycling, running, elliptical, skipping, squat jumps, ... anything that accelerates your HR and you cannot sustain for more than 2 min. Then follow up with 1 to3 minutes of easy, active recovery. Try to do this 1 to 2x a week - 20 minutes to 30 minutes. This in addition to your resistance training. As for the nutrition part - eat your daily caloric allotment. As your weight goes down, so does your metabolism. You don't want to put your body into starvation mode. However, start tracking your sugar intake. Let's not cause your body to secrete too much insulin ... don't eat anything packaged or made that has more than 6 g of sugar per serving. Pretty hard ... and do not resort to artificial sweeteners. Move every day ... get 8 hours of sleep and keep well hydrated. good luck
  • jenblowsbubblez
    jenblowsbubblez Posts: 112 Member
    You sound like me i have recently hit a place where (like u) can't go below 140-130,, i am also aiming for 115-120. I had some ppl say to change up your exercises bc your body gets use to them. Also had someone say to up my calorie intake,, but that makes me feel bloated sot that can't be it. I have also heard that the last few pounds are the hardest to take off.:( I am going to invest in a heart rate monitor soon so i can get the correct amount i am actually burning. I heard that mfp can be off and some are close.(calories burned).. no matter what I am not giving up!!! WE can do this!!! :)

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • jenblowsbubblez
    jenblowsbubblez Posts: 112 Member
    Hey there. I am a nutritionist and personal trainer and joined this site to keep up with my clients. Without knowing how long, intensity, frequency of your exercise - my suggestion is to add high-intensity intervals. Warm up, go hard for 2 minutes (cycling, running, elliptical, skipping, squat jumps, ... anything that accelerates your HR and you cannot sustain for more than 2 min. Then follow up with 1 to3 minutes of easy, active recovery. Try to do this 1 to 2x a week - 20 minutes to 30 minutes. This in addition to your resistance training. As for the nutrition part - eat your daily caloric allotment. As your weight goes down, so does your metabolism. You don't want to put your body into starvation mode. However, start tracking your sugar intake. Let's not cause your body to secrete too much insulin ... don't eat anything packaged or made that has more than 6 g of sugar per serving. Pretty hard ... and do not resort to artificial sweeteners. Move every day ... get 8 hours of sleep and keep well hydrated. good luck

    super bump!!!!! i neededthat!!!! thankyou!!!
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    thank you for the suggestions. i have heard so many different things. high-intensity intervals sound like a good idea. I have noticed that i consume more sugar than i should but alot of it comes from fruit and vegetables(especially corn which is my favorite) i try to eat a decent amount of calories but sometimes i am just not hungry and i dont want to force myself to eat just so i am eating all of my calories. i am looking into getting a bodybug which should help track calories burned better
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    I'm in the exact same position. I've deceided to love my body at 132, and just continue to work on toning and getting stronger.