Least motivated person ever.

Hey! I'm new to this site, and I need some motivation. I just recently had a baby and I'm the biggest I've ever been in my life! For the first month after my daughter was born, I ate pretty good, and exercised daily, but she's now 3 months, and I've slacked off so bad. So, I need help people! I need motivation, and I need to lose some friggen weight!


  • Hey! Congratz for your little baby!!! I am sure that you will lose all the weight. And if you need a friend I am here
  • Congratulations on your little one!
    Add me!!! We can motivate each other cause I will admit it...i'm a HUGE slacker and procrastinator! And I could use some extra motivation! Plus your icon rocks my socks off! :)
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Hey Sweetie.. Welcome!! Congrats on your Baby Girl ;) Feel free to add me if you like, Would love to support you along your weightloss Journey!!! *muah*

    ~Rachel~ "Believe and you will Achieve"
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Congratulations!! The life of beinga new mom definently takes ALOT out of you! More then you realize sometimes! Once you start seeing the energy benefits of healthy eating (and drinking :)) you will become addicted. Besides there are mommies on here willing to offer advice (take it or leave it in my opinion) to make things easier
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Come join us for the Christmas Challenge! I know it's motivated me to look good for Christmas! Come and see!

  • Christmas' Challenge!!! yeahhhhhhh, LOVED IT

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Thanks so much everybody!
    I love being a mom, but I'm always so busy that I just grab take out as I go! And sometimes I don't have time to eat, or I forget to eat. And in turn, I have no energy.

    I will definitely join that Christmas challenge! Would love to be in shape by then!

    Thanks again! :)
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Congratulations on your precious bundle! Be gentle with yourself, as you know pregnancy makes huge demands on us, but isn't the payoff the greatest? Try to make time for adequate nutrition and rest, first!!! Maybe work in walks behind the stroller regularly, and do some short bursts of calisthenics, part of an exercise DVD, but don't stress out. My biggest problem when I was getting up in the night with the babies was that I was grabbing quick sugar fixes to make up for the missing sleep. It's hard to manage weight with that pattern.
  • welcome , and add me if u like , u picked best place for everything u need :)
  • welcome , and add me if u like , u picked best place for everything u need :)
  • i'm in the same boat as you girl i am also looking for someone to constiantly be on me and motivation and i know all about eating whatever. I'm on the road a lot with work so always having to grab something through the drive through but i started brining around an ice chest bag with a lunch in it, saves money and pounds. Feel free to add me I just started this week and love it, my coworkers have already noticed a boost in my confidence thanks to Carolinamomma3 sooooo awsome such an inspiration and I strive to follow her footsteps.
  • cfred40
    cfred40 Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You asked for motivation, but i'll lend some advice instead. You've got to find your own motivation. It's in you, just find it. Wanna live long enough to see mama's new little angel grown up and play with your grandkids? What makes you tick? Why do you want this? When you find those answers, write them down and place them where you can see them every single day! There's your motivation, there's your fire girl!!

    Now with that said, you have came to the perfect place for support! The members here are amazing. Whenever I'm having a rough day, just reading everyones status and forum posts seem to pull me through! It doesn't get any better.

    Best wishes on obtaining your goals. :)