Brand New

Hi everyone,

I'm completely new to this site, having been invited by a friend of mine. I've only just started figuring out how it all works and so far, so good.

Basically the reason I'm trying to lose weight is because I'm getting married in about 18 months and would really like to not look like a whale in my dress. The main areas I'm trying to lose weight from are my stomach, arms and thighs. However I'm not entirely certain of the best way to go about it.

I think my main problems are I find it difficult to eat healthy, because I don't enjoy the taste and honestly feel like I don't have any time to do it. My other problem being I lack motivation when it comes to exercising. I will do it for a bit and then get bored and not go back to it for weeks. I then kick myself for it, but it doesn't seem to help.

Any assistance anyone can provide with how to increase my motivation or making eating healthy fun (steering away from seafood though) would be greatly appreciated.


  • Hi there! I just joined today myself, so I know how it feels to be new. If you would like to be weight loss "buddies" I'm here for you!! I'm obsessed with weddings, so we can chat about that too. My husband and I were trying to plan a vow renewal for our 10 year anniversary, but we ended up having to file for bankruptcy and we couldn't do it. Not to mention, I had gained over 100 pounds, and I was terrified for people to see me like that!!

    Anyway, welcome, and I would love to get to know you better!!

    Take care!

  • dragonpixie
    dragonpixie Posts: 8 Member
    You sound EXACTLY like me.
    Well... minus the getting married thing.
    But everything else is the same.

    The trick? Finding healthy things that don't taste like paper! And finding a gym where you actually enjoy going.
    I don't have a lot of time myself but I made it my mission to find a gym that I feel comfortable enough to go to and I go - every day. (except 1). And I find that if I do that, and don't make it optional, that it helps. It's like having to have a shower, you just have to do it. So far so good (at least this time anyway).
    And I managed to get rid of that muffin top that appears when I try tracksuit pants on etc! WOOOO! And that's in 3 weeks. So I figure I'm on the right track.

    If you need a buddy by all means add me. You just have to find what works for you. Whether that be group classes, walking every day, treadmill, sport, whatever. Just gotta make it in your head that it's not something you can pick and choose. I see it like work, I have to go regardless.

    Not sure if any of this has helped! Holla at me if you have any questions!
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    First of all, welcome to MFP!!!!
    Second, CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming wedding!!! You will look beautiful in your dress, no matter your size!

    For me, I try to do all my meal planning during the weekend and cook a lot of them so that way they are good to go and I don't have to spend that time doing it. The time that I would be cooking, I use to work out. This equates to about 20-30 minutes a day/M-F. I rest on the weekend, but I make sure to go out with my family to the park or something where I will get in some kind of exercise. If you get bored easily working out, I suggest you change things up some. Perhaps run a couple times a week, use weights another night, swim another, play squash..ect. get the idea. If you find something that you enjoy doing, you will do it a lot more frequently. Have you asked your fiance to help you?

    All the best with your weight loss and the wedding plans!!!
  • Rydell86
    Rydell86 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for your responses!

    Nakabi, my fiance is trying to lose weight with me (as he can also stand to lose quite a few kilos). We both have the same food issues - it's easier to get takeaway than it is to cook something. I think finding a way to cook everything on the weekend ready for the coming week would be a good idea. Just requires some planning by us (something else we're really bad at!). I love swimming, but my local pool is shut at the moment, so I'm anxiously waiting for it to reopen.

    Dragonpixie, you definitely make a good point about making the gym like work. I've planned to go at least five days a week, but that was including weekends, and in all honesty, I just don't get there on weekends. Yet due to other commitments it's impossible to do all weekdays. I guess I maybe need to do up a schedule I stick someone that tells me that I have to go to the gym at these times and make sure I do.

    Bek, that's my biggest concern. I'm going to my hometown to get married and have put on a fair bit of weight since I left and don't really want anyone to see me like that. Plus I don't want to look back at my wedding pics and be disappointed.
  • tula23
    tula23 Posts: 29 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding!!

    First off, eating healthy does NOT mean you eat cardboard. LOL Stick to the real foods and stay away from the processed stuff. Add more vegetables and fruit into your diet, that right there is a great start to eating healthier.

    What helps me is all the beautiful fruit and vegetables growing right now. Make a big salad with spring lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers, sugar snap peas, baby carrots, onions, herbs, beets, beans, bell peppers, artichoke hearts, almonds, dried cranberries etc... the list is endless. I go for the crunchy. :-)
    I do the same for fruit. Watermelon, strawberries, pineapple, cherries, blueberries, kiwi, melon, banana, peaches, grapes... If I make a large bowl, I am not making again for a few days and that helps a lot. If I get hungry, I go for that instead of chips etc...

    Grill some chicken or steak. Slice it thin and lay it on a large salad. Viola! Dinner.

    To help me get through the day, I eat oatmeal or a granola cereal (Kashi is a great cereal) for breakfast with blueberries. It lasts a very long time.

    Drink more water!! :-)

    Walking is a great exercise. Do it with a purpose, walk to the video store or bank. :-)

    You will do great, feel free to add me. :-)
  • Rydell86
    Rydell86 Posts: 27 Member
    I guess part of my problem is I was not brought up eating fruit/vegies/salad, so the concept is completely foreign to me. Not for my mum's lack of trying though, I was just very stubborn. :) So I find I don't enjoy those kinds of food, and that's what I'm having to try to get over to make this work. Very hard stuff.