Pregnancy and MFP?

Ok, so I really love this site and I have gotten so used to logging what I eat and while I don't want to lose weight anymore I don't want to get out of control with pregnancy eating. Someone said that they switched to maintenance when they got pregnant but when I did that my 1600 calories a day jumped to 2500 calories a day. Can anyone shed some light on this? Has anyone here been Pregnant and used MFP? I think it will be good because if I'm making good choices it translates to my baby right? Any help would be awesome. Thanks.


  • ricochette55
    ricochette55 Posts: 68 Member
    Good question. We're starting to maybe try for baby #2 and I want to know what to do once we get there! I want to stay healthy :)
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    If I were pregnant I'd skip logging and all that business and focus on eating clean and lots of veggies. Also I've hear a lot of women still run, which I'd like to do when I have babies =]
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
    I would talk to your Doctor and see how many calories they think you should be eating per day. Then put that in MFP and go off that.
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    I am not there yet but plan to continue to use MFP with my next pregnancy. You need about 300 extra calories per day during pregnancy. So my guess would be to switch to maintenance plus the 300 However, I am no expert. Could you maybe ask your OB what he/she would suggest?
  • eruczyn1
    eruczyn1 Posts: 12
    I am not sure how correct this is, but I heard that the average woman only needs about 300 more cals/day when pregnant. I'm sure it depends on the woman and her own personal health history/body/whatever. I do know that you should never "eat for two" though.....And Congrats!!!!!! :-D
  • diana109
    diana109 Posts: 113 Member
    Congrats!! You can custmize your current calorie intake under the Goals tab, change your current goal and an option of customize will appear. You can enter your target calorie intake. Good luck!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey everyone!
    There's groups for everything on here!

    For pregnancy you have 2 choices:
    This thread is for people who are pregnant and just trying to have the healthiest pregnancy they can! These woman are some of the best!
    The other choice is intended for women who are fit and intend to maintain their level of fitness throughout pregnancy - these women inspire me!

    For those who are TTC (Trying To Conceive) - come join Fit For Future Families!

    Calories Requirements:
    First - set to maintainence.
    1st Tri - nothing extra
    2nd Tri - 300 calories/day
    3rd Tri - 300 calories/day

    No matter where you are along the path, there are women on here to support you and help you along in your journey. Hope this helps!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    OB guidelines have changed ALOT in the last two years regarding pregnancy in obese women and the amount of weight gain or still safe weight loss. PLEASE TALK TO YOUR OBGYN.

    The 300 extra cals is usually starting your second trimester, if your dr deems you need it at all. the 2500 cals is based on your current weight (based off you picture and ticker its higher, Feel free to look at mine and my pictures if you think Im judging, Im not!!) and your OBGYN might even recommend lower then that.

    I agree that more then calories you need to focus on fruits and veggies, lean proteins, water, and sticking to as natural of foods as possible. Keeping a lower sodium diet will also reduce your risk of high BP during pregnancy (though doesnt eliminate the risk for pre-eclampsia) where as you cant take up new activity (or shouldnt) you can continue any activity youve already been doing
  • smelmel
    smelmel Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, congratulations!
    I stopped logging when I found out I was pregnant and at 22 weeks had gained about 22 pounds, so for the past 2 weeks I have started to log again and walk for 30 min a day and feel 100% better, I eat about 2000 calories a day which is heaps of food for me, I have just stopped eating the bad stuff though it's so hard, especially them spicy deep fried chicken wings but the cals add up so quickly! There are pregnancy threads on here. goodluck with your pregnancy.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I changed my profile from lose 1 lb a day to maintain and it went from 1590 to 2060, did you have it set to lose more per week? Once I get into 2nd tri I plan on switching to gain 1/2 lb and see how much it someone else said, 2nd and 3rd tri you're supposed to get 300 extra cals a day.
  • temptress75519
    temptress75519 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey everyone!
    There's groups for everything on here!

    For pregnancy you have 2 choices:
    This thread is for people who are pregnant and just trying to have the healthiest pregnancy they can! These woman are some of the best!
    The other choice is intended for women who are fit and intend to maintain their level of fitness throughout pregnancy - these women inspire me!

    For those who are TTC (Trying To Conceive) - come join Fit For Future Families!

    Calories Requirements:
    First - set to maintainence.
    1st Tri - nothing extra
    2nd Tri - 300 calories/day
    3rd Tri - 300 calories/day

    No matter where you are along the path, there are women on here to support you and help you along in your journey. Hope this helps!

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! This is exactly what I needed!!! :-D
  • I asked the last time I was pregnant how many more calories I can eat and my OB said the 300 cal. rule too. The problem was when I stopped working out at month 5 the pounds and the swelling came on strong. Ask your OB and tell them what you have been doing, I can't see logging being a problem because it keeps me in check. I have had two kids and gained more than 60 pounds with both during my pregnancy and it is horrible to get it off, and to have the motivation to get back to working out. I hope if we get pregnant again I will remember my words! Good luck, and congratulations.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Yeah, what I already told you.
  • for the 2nd and 3rd trimester, if you type pregnancy into the search at breakfast every day, there is an item thats called "eating for pregnancy" which gives you an extra 300 calories for the day. Very cool!
  • I recently got diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes and had to see a dietician. At the beginning of pregnancy i gained 25-28 pounds and then i stopped gaining. I learned that for my height and weight i wasn't eating enough to maintain my weight. I was shocked when they told me to eat 2,500 calories a day, but so far, my weight gain has tapered off and it's remained steady even though baby is getting bigger. The dietician actually recommended i use my fitness pal to help log my calories, carbs, and protein every day. It's great. I was using MFP before i got pregnant and quit using it because i couldn't figure out how to adjust it for pregnancy. So MFP telling you to eat the 2500 calories is perfectly fine. If it makes you feel better, see a dietician and they might tell you something different, but it might be different by only 100-200 calories. :)
  • jamiealdridge02
    jamiealdridge02 Posts: 93 Member
    Not sure about the calories, definitely check with your OB so you are doing things as safely as possible. I did want to encourage you with exercise. I worked out with all of my pregnancies, but especially my third. I walked, jogged (first trimester/early second, after that it felt uncomfortable to me so I didn't do it), did the elliptical, and lifted weights. I felt soooo amazing with my pregnancy, better than the other two. My mood was stable, I felt great, and I was very healthy the whole time. Afterwards, I got back in shape much faster than with the other two. Get some guidelines from your doc, but exercising during pregnancy can do wonders for you!!!! Congrats and best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and baby!!!
  • bump