New, and have a long way to go.

I'm 5'1" and 244 lbs. (typen that kinda makes me wanna cry) I'm just starting out on my weight loss journey. I'm hoping that tracking my food and exercise on MFP, and seeing my progress in print will keep me motivated. My goal weight is 125 lbs, but more importantly I want to look in the meiror and feel beautiful, not discusting. I know I've got a long road ahead of me and I can't do this alone, so I welcome any encouragement or tips.


  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Welcome and you can do this! Just keep logging and never give up! I'm 5'1 and started MFP at 237lbs :sad: , 8 months later I'm down 38lbs.
  • KrissyChefBaby
    KrissyChefBaby Posts: 68 Member
    Hey i'm 5'8 and my start weight was 248. I just started at this thing last month and no need to cry. Try to never be disgusted with yourself. Back when tat was my outlook, it only mad me sad and made it worse. You are already beautiful now its just time to handle the health part!! :) Tip: No excuses, no dwelling on a "bad food day".Just start everyday fresh and talk to the amazing ppl on MFP when lacking motivation.

    Good luck. It's actually a pretty hard but fun journey
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    You have come to the right place!! I started my weight loss journey in January but didn't start MFP until later. I started out at 264 and I'm 5' 2.5" I've lost 30 pounds so far. I remember looking in the mirror and crying, cringing at the sight of myself. How could my husband and family and friends possibly love and care about me when I looked like I did. I couldn't stand myself how could they? Since I have lost 30 pounds I know look in the mirror and smile. I catch my reflection in the windows in town and I look at my *kitten* and legs and think.."damn that's looking mighty fine!" I have another 60 pounds or so to reach what I think is my goal of 175 ish. Who knows what will happen when I get there. You can do this. But you have to do it for yourself first and then the others second. Good Luck. Add me if you would like.
  • MonicaLee1982
    MonicaLee1982 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi there! I know exactly how you feel, I'm 5'2 and 266 #'s...But that's an improvement from a month ago when I started using this site, I was 277 then. :) I love MFP, it's definately helped me out. Also the support and motivation from my new friends on the site is awesome. Just remember, YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Good luck!
  • HI. I am right with you. I started with MFP last week. i am 5 foot 3 and weigh 240lbs. my weight has now caused a lot of medical problems and it makes me too tired to play with my young daughters. I have not felt beautiful in years. Keep up the hard work and we will all do this together.
  • Afaida
    Afaida Posts: 142 Member
    Wishing you much success. I love mfp and hope you will find it a great help to you.
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    My advice is that you utilize this site as much as you can. It's way more than a calculator for what goes into your mouth and what you work off in calories. Spend time reading the success stories and the NSV's (non scale victories) on the Community page. They are very motivating. Next, make your food diary viewable to your friends and keep it honest - knowing someone could be looking at it will help you make smart choices. But, also, don't kick yourself for a bad day now and then - everybody has them (I ate 3/4 of a 12 inch pizza today). And most importantly be patient. Don't even expect to lose more than 5 lbs. per month - that attitude will eventually promote disappointment and frustration. This site is a great tool! Good luck on your journey and feel free to friend me.