Eating under my calorie goals, but late.

Garrett1234 Posts: 147 Member
Because of an after-work commitment I've been eating rather late dinners (after 8pm). I've been under my calorie goals but have always though eating late is a no-no for weight loss purposes. Any thoughts on this?


  • kboli
    kboli Posts: 5 Member
    Are you eating the majority of your calories at night? I dunno....sometimes when I eat early, I'm tempted to snack through the night! So, perhaps if you are eating a light meal after 8:00, and you quit there, you're doing your body good!
  • Zerbertkisses
    Zerbertkisses Posts: 35 Member
    That's one of those things that I'm not sure has very much fact behind it. I'm not sure if it's ever been proven that eating close to bedtime is bad. I actually just read something recently that said that it's a myth, that it didn't matter what time of day you ate...

    Interested to see what others say - and if they have good reasoning behind it.
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    It doesn't make a difference when you eat as long as you stay w/in your calorie goals. This is a good article.
  • kerlyp
    kerlyp Posts: 11 Member
    If you are eating three hours prior to going to bed, you should be okay.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    my thought is the only thing you need to worry about eating late night is whether you are choosing to eat things that may bother your stomach when you are trying to fall asleep, or things that will give you energy. otherwise, you body keeps working while you sleep, your food will be digested no matter what (think of the morning bathroom trips :P, hard to have those if your stomach stops working once you go to sleep huh). but things like heartburn or indigestion do not help to have a restful sleep :P
  • It really doesn't matter what time of day you eat. It is a myth that eating late is bad .. the only reason it may not be "as good" is because your body is in a resting state the rest of the day. But it really makes no difference, especially if you're within your calorie goals.
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    I'm with the myth thinking. It's not so much about the time you eat it's that on average late night "snacking" usually means luxury foods rather than good nutrition. Also that eating just prior to bed can "for some" interfere with sleep.

    For me, I don't think it makes the blindest bit of difference. I workout late and eat late & usually have a hot choc and snack in the 1/2 hr to hr before bed - and 15kg/30 odd lb down over 5-6 months - it hasn't hindered me at all.
  • I always eat dinner late and haven't had a problem, but I don't eat a heavy dinner either. So eating at night isn't bad but going to bed with a really full stomach is.
  • caretheaton
    caretheaton Posts: 90 Member
    I'm in this category, too. I work 2nd shift at a hospital (2:30 - 11:00 pm), and even though dinner at work is always around 7:00, by the time I get off I'm already starving again because I've spent the last 4 hours running around this huge building. I try to reserve 150 - 200 calories for a small bowl of cereal (Kashi Go Lean!) or a banana with tablespoon of peanut butter for an after work snack. I can't sleep when I'm hungry! I just have to make sure that I fix my snack then head straight up stairs for bed, or else I'll be tempted to hang around the kitchen munching.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    Late night eating is only "bad" because its associated with late night junk food binges. I've lost 3 lbs since I've started eating the majority of my calories at night.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    As long as you don't go over your calories there is nothing wrong with eating right up to bed time.
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    I've lost 40 lbs eating the majority of my calories between 5 pm and 5 am (also burning the majority between 8 pm and 4 am.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    The rule has been: no food intake prior to two hours before bedtime, and one hour for water. Never adhered to the water intake but do try with the food. That's just a general rule but everyone's different. How do you feel after eating so late (or near bedtime)???
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