Girls 5'0" and UNDER come here! \ (* ゜▽゜)ノ



  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I'm not under 5', I am 5'3" but I just wanted to pop in here and give you guys my support. I saw all the flack you got about your goal weight and I agree with you. People under 5' are going to have way lower ideal weights. And they are going to have lower calorie requirements. I am on my way back to 140 but at 140 and lifting heavy weights 3 days a week I wear a size 4 in any brand jeans. I also cannot eat more than 1400-1500 calories a day to maintain 140lbs, and that's with lifting weights 3x's a week and doing 30 minutes of cardio 5 times a week. So if you are under 5' and are not working out you are going to have a lot lower calorie needs. I workout because I enjoy it, it gives me more muscle and allows me to eat a bit more. good luck girls.

    Thank you!!! =)
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Oh, and also, my current calorie goal is set at 1200, but also I am breastfeeding my baby several times a day, so that adds 300 to adjust for breastfeeding an older baby (lower than the standard 500 usually given for breastfeeding.)

    I hope it works and I will keep ya posted!

    What do you all think of the 113 goal for a 38 year old mom of 4 who is 5'0"?

    Sounds great to me!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Afternoon all , how are we today, can you tell me how many cals you are all on, i am on 1100, i am aiming to lose 1-2lbs a week

    I try to keep my net under 1000, hoping to lose 1-2lbs a week as well.

    I have been trying to keep mine under 1000 too. Right now it is set at 850 for safety though haha. I am trying to start working out. Sounds like we are similar in calories :smile:
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Hi All! I'd like to join in :) I'm 5'0" as well. I'm currently stuck at 114.6 and would love to lose about 5 - 10 lbs by my wedding on 9/24/11. I have been eating my exercise calories back and have my cals at 1200, so I'm thinking I should shoot for closer to 1000/1100 and not eat back my exercise cals to hopefully break this plateau. Glad there's a group here for us super shorties!!

    Hi! Nice to meet you! I def think you can lose the weight by your wedding day! I think 1200 is too many, and I don't eat my exercise calories too (I don't exercise much though). Good luck!! :smile:
  • annarface
    annarface Posts: 77 Member
    I'm 4'11'' and weigh around 92lbs. Maintaining now on 1800 net calories a day. (: Was around 150lbs when I started.
  • JHR323
    JHR323 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 4'11'' and weigh around 92lbs. Maintaining now on 1800 net calories a day. (: Was around 150lbs when I started.

    How were/are you able to keep the momentum going to keep losing? I'm stuck right now. If you have any suggestions, I'd appreciate it!
  • JHR323
    JHR323 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi All! I'd like to join in :) I'm 5'0" as well. I'm currently stuck at 114.6 and would love to lose about 5 - 10 lbs by my wedding on 9/24/11. I have been eating my exercise calories back and have my cals at 1200, so I'm thinking I should shoot for closer to 1000/1100 and not eat back my exercise cals to hopefully break this plateau. Glad there's a group here for us super shorties!!

    Hi! Nice to meet you! I def think you can lose the weight by your wedding day! I think 1200 is too many, and I don't eat my exercise calories too (I don't exercise much though). Good luck!! :smile:

    Hi! Nice to meet you too. Thanks for the suggestion of lowering my cals and not eating back my exercise cals. I've been doing TF and the program stresses that you get enough fuel. I think I've been over fueling though! I'm going to try to not eat back exercise cals and see if that does the trick! Continuously tweaking to get to where I want to be!
  • Ashly744
    Ashly744 Posts: 60 Member
    Woo hoo! Hi everybody I'm 5'0. I just started this website. I'm trying to get back to my original weight of 108/105!
  • shaverkl191
    shaverkl191 Posts: 131
    Wow, so glad I stumbled upon this thread! I'm 4'11" and weigh 135. Ideally I'd like to get down to 120. Anyone looking for support feel free to friend me! We can do this!
  • annarface
    annarface Posts: 77 Member
    I'm 4'11'' and weigh around 92lbs. Maintaining now on 1800 net calories a day. (: Was around 150lbs when I started.

    How were/are you able to keep the momentum going to keep losing? I'm stuck right now. If you have any suggestions, I'd appreciate it!

    I don't know, it took me months to figure out my proper maintainence calories. If I eat any less I still lose weight.. Sorry I can't be on any help. ):
  • jamesysmom
    jamesysmom Posts: 38

    im 4'11 and quite over weight im weighing in at 180 on tuesday of this week. I just weighed agian and the scale said 178 so im thinking water weight. but if yall want to add me go ahead
  • sd59980
    sd59980 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me as a friend please....I'm 5'0 and 183 really ready to lose this weight
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I am 4'11'' and 123 pounds. I want to go down to 114 pounds or 20% BF. I eat 1400 calories a day and eat pretty much all of my exercice calories.
  • Hi! I'm 4'11" and would definitely like to be added. There aren't that many girls our height so, I'm glad to know there's help. By the way, would it be a good idea to go beyond the amount of protein or maintain within the guidelines mfp gives? My coach says to consume more and mfp says otherwise. I'm not sure which would be best...any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again, girls!
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    Can I join in? I'm 4'11", and currently weight 188. I'd like to get down to 120, and then see how I feel about that!
  • anelahm
    anelahm Posts: 237 Member
    hello shorties:) im 5'0 and 93 ish pounds, started at 160lbs, but started mfp around 15lbs ago. add me ^_^ fun-sized ppl rock!
  • Awesome! Love this 5'0 here. Feel free to add me :):)
  • del3t3
    del3t3 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5' and currently 112.5 lbs, trying to get down to 95.
  • add me!!! i'm 4'11" and struggling with weight loss and calories!!
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I'm like 4'11" or 5'0" it depends on my mood or who measures me. lol I'm also struggling with gaining muscle, weight loss and calories since I am so small.