Quick Breakfast

Help ! I need quick breakfast ideas ? This is a major road block for me as I have to commute 35 miles to work and do not have time to prepare breakfast.


  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    You can boil eggs in advance and have a couple with some yogurt.
    Protein shake and a fiber one bar or something
    A bagel with peanut butter can be very filling for hours
    frittatas are something you can make on the weekend and heat up
    if you use an oversized frying pan scrambling eggs can be done very quickly
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You can make up your breakfast and lunch the night before. I reserve my high energy home time for food prep.

    Try overnight oats. You can prepare several at once with frozen fruit in single serving containers. Grab and go.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited May 2018
    Throw a slice of bread in the toaster. Break an egg into a bowl, stir it up and microwave it for about 35 seconds. By the time you wash the bowl and put it back away, your toast will be done. Put egg on top of toast. Done.

    Bonus points, open up a single serving container of Greek yogurt and eat it along with said eggs and toast.
  • scarla67
    scarla67 Posts: 60 Member
    Epic biosn jerky it contains cranberry. Small is only 130 calories, very fast and filling.
  • scarla67
    scarla67 Posts: 60 Member
    Firm banana and peanut butter.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    I'm a smoothie maker. Every morning I make one for me, hubby and 2 year old. Hubby and I don't eat again until snack time but my daughter gets breakfast at daycare. I just like to make sure she has some vitamins and minerals in her body before then.
    Anyway, 2 bananas, 1 cup frozen fruit, 1 1/2 cup almond milk, spinach or kale, splash of oj and about a cup of greek yogurt. Blend and go.
    I also like to have boiled eggs on hand so if I need to just pop a couple with some salt then I can go quickly out the door.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    We do a lot of egg & toast or egg tacos, freezer waffles with egg on the side, Greek yogurt with or without mix-ins, etc. Oatmeal with PB&J. I don't know how early you have to be at work and that IS quite a commute, but honestly from beginning to end it takes about 15 minutes for all of the above meals. I personally prefer to have a nice breakfast at home than to try and eat on the go or cram something in at the office.
  • Neufae
    Neufae Posts: 38 Member
    Oatmeal + Almond Milk + Protein powder = Microwave 1.30 minutes.

    Add some fruit and honey.
    Quick and easy and fills you up.
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    I make a roasted vegetable and egg casserole topped with shredded chicken and kimchi. It's large enough to last me throughout the work week.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i make things ahead of time

    there are parfaits, eggs, bacon, oatmeal all ready to go ahead of time so all i need to do is grab and go
  • jesguinn
    jesguinn Posts: 94 Member
    I feel your pain on that long commute! Mine is about 30 miles, roughly an hour and a half on a good day in Atlanta traffic. Breakfast is usually a banana before my workout and an RxBar afterward because both are easy to eat in the car while I'm commuting. There are plenty of easy and quick options, you just have to get creative, maybe do some experimenting, and find out what you most prefer. Personally, I can't force myself to choke down a hard-boiled egg!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I pack my breakfast the same way I pack my lunch.

    Quick go tos......bag portion sizes of Kashi GoLean cereal and slivered almonds (snack bags are perfect). The night before measure frozen berries and dump Greek yogurt into the bowl (cover & refrigerate).....in the a.m. dump the cereal in. A high fiber, high protein, yogurt "parfait."

    Bake eggs/egg whites in a square pan. Cut into portions, and store in the freezer. I take a portion and refrigerate the night before. I microwave the eggs in the a.m. while toasting a high fiber English muffin, add a slice of cheese and I'm good to go. There are burrito recipes on line too.

    Sometimes I make a large batch of steel cut oats on Sunday and store individual portions in the fridge. In the a.m. add fruit, nuts, etc & re-heat.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    Hearty cereal and banana or blueberries
    Fried eggs and toast
    Overnight oats
    A banana or apple & a cheese stick
    Sandwich (PB, turkey/cheese, etc.)
    Protein drink made with milk and coffee

    Some options are better to eat at home than in the car, but none of it takes longer than 5 minutes to pull together. It's always done before my coffee's done brewing.

    Or I skip it and just eat a bigger lunch later. I function fine without it, and there's no magic bullet in breakfast.
  • jflongo
    jflongo Posts: 289 Member
    Wake up 20 minutes earlier, then you are fine :)
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,815 Member
    Im not a big breakfast eater, but things I do are:

    greek light &fit yogurt and fruit
    cook up burrito insides (egg, sausage, veggies) and keep in the fridge then put it in a tortilla in the morning
    toast w/ peanut butter
    mini bagels with PB, Jelly, or cream cheese
    think thin bar, luna bar, honey oat bar(great crushed up over yogurt as well), fiber one bar, ect
    hard boiled egg
    string cheese
  • sarahrosheen
    sarahrosheen Posts: 82 Member
    2 boiled eggs, apple with peanut butter, cheese string
  • sarahrosheen
    sarahrosheen Posts: 82 Member
    i just got a small instant pot and it makes perfect boiled eggs in 5 mins. high recommend
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    Meal prep or make it at work. I pre-make oatmeal containers for the week (oatmeal + dried fruit + sweetener, etc.) and add water/microwave when I get to the office. Ditto egg sandwiches. They reheat pretty well.

    I also cut a week's worth of vegetables and fruits and portion them out ahead of time so I can grab a container on my way out the door. Easy to eat in the car or when I get to the office.
  • skelterhelter
    skelterhelter Posts: 803 Member
    edited May 2018
    Poached eggs from the microwave. My mind was blown when I realized I could poach an egg in a minute and forty seconds. Fill up a bowl (one on the deeper side, if possible) with cold water and carefully crack an egg inside. The water should cover the yolk. Nuke for 1:30-1:45, depending on your wattage. I'll leave it in longer if I want my yolks to be harder, but I tend to like them runny. While you wait for the egg to cook, you can toast a multi-grain English Muffin or whatever bread you like. I do one slice and make it an open-faced sandwich. Once the egg is done, use a slotted spoon to scoop from the bowl. Top with any veggies, condiments, proteins you desire. It's quick, yummy, and only about 140 calories.

    Another idea is overnight oats, as people mentioned. You can fill jars up the night before with half a cup of dry oats, top it with the milk of your choosing, and add any fruits, nuts, or seeds you'd like.

    All else fails, a banana usually tides me over til I can grab something else.
  • Leannep2201
    Leannep2201 Posts: 441 Member
    I have, like 5min, to prepare breakfast in the morning as I have to leave early and have about an hour-long commute. Just before I run out the door, I pop some toast in the toaster, microwave an egg in a microwave omelette pan, and a slice of ham and cheese and boom, breakfast sandwich, which I eat in the car on the way.
    Been doing this the last couple of years. Good balance of macros, and I’m satisfied from 7am till lunchtime.