Trying to make myself over

Hello, I am one of those that logs in and flakes This time I am hoping to lose my weight and stay motivated. I know that my weight didn't come on over night, and it will not go off over night. I have to set little goals, do little rewards. Right now I currently weigh, 315 lbs. I want to get down to 180 lbs. I am large boned so I want to stop there and see how I look, how I feel, and go from there.

Good luck to all that is trying to lose and get healthy.

One day at a time, one step at a time.


  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Follow mfp guidelines for your calorie intake, plan and log your food, record measurements along the way and value all losses, small or big. Raising your activity level will give you more calories to play with. You know what to do, just make it a habit and believe that you CAN do this. Good Luck and learn to enjoy your new lifestyle. One piece of advice I received was 'make sure that you only spend your calorie cash on food that you enjoy'. Doesn't mean at all the sweets/donuts but do prepare tasty food to keep you in calorie defecit. Lots of really tasty and good food out there.
  • Reddogsmom
    Reddogsmom Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you. That makes so much sense. I didn't set an end date right now because I feel that if I don't make it at that certain date, no matter how much I have lost, I failed myself. Maybe when I get to the point when I am comfortable with my meals, I am charting everything and I have lost enough that I can start doing target dates, I will start that, but for now, I am taking it one day at a time.
  • bduanemyfitness
    bduanemyfitness Posts: 75 Member
    I love the little goals. I have joined a couple of Challenges over the past few months (Lose 5lbs in April, etc) that fit with my long-term goals. Let's me have some very specific short-term goals that are attainable. Works for me.

    Then be sure to not freak out when the short-term goal is not all that was hoped for. In April, I missed my goal by almost 20%. Granted, that represented just 1 lb...but I could have worried about that. I do not. I try to keep my eye on the prize (better health, etc) while enjoying the little victories as well.

    One day at a time is great! You got this.

  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    You’ve got a really positive attitude, I love it! Like was mentioned above, put your stats into MFP and follow it the best you can. And... it’ll get easier. I think little goals are great. I used 10 pound incriminates, but you do what works for you. Good luck, I’m rooting for you.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    If I can pass on a few things that worked for me it would be take your time and start slowly but start. Find an exercise you like and work up slowly. Don't try to lose all the weight in 6 months. I totally agree with your desire to set a higher goal and see how you feel when you get there. I started with a goal about 25 pounds higher than I ended up. Try things you didn't think you would eat and if you don't like them then don't sweat it but you might surprise yourself.

    Remember this is YOUR plan and you can build it in a way that works for you. Never mind what Uncle Bob did, lol. Everyone is going to try to tell you how to do it better, ignore them unless what you are doing isn't working... then maybe listen :-) You can do it! We all started where you are and with time and perserverence you can reach your goal. Take your time tho and learn along the way. This is not a program you are doing just until you get thin. It's a lifestyle change. Good luck my friend, I'm rooting for you.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I started at 307 and now maintaining my loss around 170 lb. I can relate because after losing some weight very very slowly on my own, I started off (on MFP) with the goal weight of 220 to see how I liked that and then went down from there.

    This is my plan too. I do not have a specific GW. I have an overall soft target of being able to fit into a shirt in my closet. Actually all my pit-stop goals are shirt sizes. Once I get to the soft target I have no idea where my head will be. There is a part of my that has believed since I was a teen I would never be under a certain weight. But that is a fight for another day.

    I can't let the scale be a factor. I hate that thing so much.

  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Slow as she goes is my hurry here and it works for me!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Just take small strides toward a larger goal and you'll get there. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Experiment and find what works for you that you can stick with.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    If I can pass on a few things that worked for me it would be take your time and start slowly but start...

    I love this first sentence! I am convinced in my heart that small (maybe even seemingly imperceptible) changes done faithfully and consistently make the biggest impact on life in the end. Much more than grand plans or Herculean efforts that fizzle. So I agree, start small, but start, stick with it and have faith that all the small changes build on each other towards something good.