When to weigh meat?

Csauskojus Posts: 17 Member
I just took a 20oz. ground turkey package and divided it into 4, pattied each portion, and threw each on the George Foreman grill. If I track calories before vs. after cooking, my calorie counts will be vastly different. What do you do and why?


  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I prefer to weigh raw because the moisture content is so variable in cooked meat. That said, you can log it either way as long as you make sure to choose the correct entry in MFP. Look for 'raw', 'grilled', 'pan fried', etc. if you're logging cooked.
  • Csauskojus
    Csauskojus Posts: 17 Member
    Good point!
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    Same, I weigh raw and use 'raw' entries.
  • Csauskojus
    Csauskojus Posts: 17 Member
    So rather than scanning the package, you find a raw entry? How do you know when you’re picking an accurate entry?
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    edited May 2018
    If you're scanning the package on raw meat, that's going to be the raw nutrition value. You can do it that way, but only if you're weighing and entering raw into your log. I've never done the scanning. I search for "turkey ground usda" and find the starred entry with the usda notation
  • Csauskojus
    Csauskojus Posts: 17 Member
    Great! Thanks so much! I’m too lazy to do anything other than scan the package lol