Re-introducing myself

Hi all, Rob here. Last time I was in "the zone" trying to lose weight I was on active duty back in 2016 and prior. I have since retired and completely fallen off the wagon. I'm the heaviest I have EVER been....326. Red flags are up, taking all kinds of meds due to my weight....I'm here to tell you I've had enough and intend to see this lifestyle change through. At 44 y/o the clock is ticking.


  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Welcome back and Good Luck. You have got this
  • bull848
    bull848 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Rob welcome back. I only recently joined as am also the heaviest I’ve ever been. Is your photo an indication of what you are dealing with? Is so you sound strong and motivated and unstoppable. Am 49, one year to the big one. My aim is to fit for fifty. Emma
  • JustMySelf05
    JustMySelf05 Posts: 7 Member
    I’m sorry to hear that. Thanks for your work. Also That’s fantastic, welcome and keep your head up. It won’t be easy however it’ll become a life style and that’s a lot of help.
  • MaryLabs80
    MaryLabs80 Posts: 8 Member
    Acknowledging is the first step! Best of luck on your journey. Also thank you for your service.
  • Sjandre75
    Sjandre75 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey rob, I’m 43 and face the similar issues
  • SimplySmylin
    SimplySmylin Posts: 66 Member
    Welcome back! Good luck with your journey! Feel free to friend me if you are looking for support and encouragement. :)