Safe exercises to do with a bad back?

I have a bad back, and the weight is pretty much all on my stomach which is probably why I have a bad back in the first place.

Anyway, my question is, what are safe but effective exercises to lose belly fat for someone with a bad back?

The quote unquote dancing I've been doing has left me with twinges all day and I keep almost throwing my back out during the workout so I was looking for something a bit safer.


  • dehb
    dehb Posts: 1
    I have the same issue. I use a pool. (: Low impact. Good luck.
  • greensnow
    Swimming is really good if you have back problems :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Swimming is often recommended but really, this is a question you should be asking your physiotherapist, not random internet strangers - nice as we are, we don't know about your particular injury and needs!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i would recommend swimming, however you should really see a doctor, as depending what it is it might be better to rest for a few weeks then not be able to move properly for the rest of your life.

    take care!
  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    I have always suffered with a bad back...a good physio will tell you that you need to strengthen your abdominal muscles to support your lower lumber discs...lie flat on the floor and pull in your pelvic muscles as tight as you can (like holding your bladder) and release gently. (remember to breathe in and out with each movement) Do this everyday a few times and you should feel some improvement. Walking and swimming are always good....water supports the joints which minimises any injury to the joints. I found my back pain lessened the more weight I lost too. Hope this helps.

    Hope Arsenal get some silverware this season!
  • Visser1971
    Visser1971 Posts: 131
    I have a spine disease and also belly fat issue. Here is an article I found on Web MD that I found helpful, the short story is that losing overall weight will reduce your belly, not really strength exercises like sit ups. (Although muscle exercises help to have a stronger 'core' which helps with other sports.)

    Personally, I have found Yoga to be a great exercise to strengthen my 'core' and I have a recumbent bike for cardio which is fine for my back.

    But like the other posts, check with your doctor too! It depends on how 'bad' your back is of course.

    Cheers, Christy
  • matt1986wilson
    Well I can't swim but I will talk to my GP about this back pain issue on the next checkup in a couple of weeks time for sure.

    And my back is only bad if I overdo things. Then I get twinges. But I'm usually alright if I don't do anything hugely strenuous. But the problem is that I have to lose 500 calories a day and that means pushing myself to my limits. So I guess twinges will be part of the process for a while till more fat is lost. I will pace myself though in order to avoid as many twinges as possible.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    You need to talk to your doctor. If exercise is causing you pain you're doing it wrong.

    Swimming is great. When I had a bad back I did pilates and that did wonders.
  • matt1986wilson
    It's actually that I've been pushing myself. But I know where my limit is and where I have to go to get to my 500 calorie target. It just so happens that I have to push myself a little bit harder than normal to get to 500. And it happens to cause a twinge or two right at the end. But when Ive got to that number I relax for the rest of the day. And I will be talking to my GP about how to minimize the twinges.
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    I'm disabled because of my back. Several spinal surgeries & 2 rods & 6 screws later.... Anyways all I'm allowed to do is walk, swim, & core stabilization exercises on the big Swiss ball with small hand weights because I can't bend, twist, etc.
    See your doctor to make sure you don't injure yourself permanently. Strength training is great . Maybe your doctor could set you up with some great starter exercises. I wish you all the best!