Summer Body Setbacks

Lately I’ve been facing a few setbacks in regards to my diet... I eat right for a few days meaning I follow my nutrition plan and count my calories... And then I fall off the bandwagon... This wasn’t a big deal in the beginning because I just stopped myself from overindulging in the highly processed foods and went hard in the gym if I did overeat... Well eventually I didn’t work out in the gym as well as I had been for a week... For one week straight I stayed home and ate sugary snacks and chocolate, it felt amazing until I saw I gained fat and didn’t look as lean as usual..

Recently I tried on a swimsuit and thought I looked terrible in it because of the extra fat I have gained in my thighs and stomach...

I don’t know why I sabotage myself like this. And then all that flashes in my mind are body fat percentages when I do work out.. I can’t get past it.. All I think about is 18 % body fat and then it makes me depressed to think that is what my ideal percentage needs to be in order to look undeniably lean.


  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    How about thinking about your motivation in terms of what do you want to DO in life and how can you get there? Figure out what you really want to do in life, and prioritize your time and efforts accordingly. If what you actually want to do is taste every kind of chocolate known to humankind, watch Netflix and stay sedentary, then by all means, do that and work on that goal. If what you want is, I don't know, to play beach volleyball, working towards that might include, you know, playing volleyball, but also eating healthy and losing weight to become stronger, hanging out at the beach and getting to know other players etc. What do you want to DO once you're looking great in your swimsuit and have reached your goal fat percentage? You're standing in your perfectly fitting swimsuit and looking awesome, then what? Work on those desires now, and not after you have reached that (fairly artificial, tbh) goal percentage.
  • rdl81
    rdl81 Posts: 220 Member
    edited May 2018
    Find some “healthy” food that you enjoy and keep them around the time and have those as your go too I really i think eating healthy long term is about making it a habit. I have really sweet tooth my sister in law makes cakes and I will have some every once in a while but i make it fit an dont eat a box. Same with beer I like the taste so might have one or two but not 4 or 6. Just try and eat right as much as possible and establish the habits you want. And if you slip forget about it and move on don’t use that as excuse to keep slipping