Rachel's fat and fed up

Hey all

I'm Rache i'm 31 from the UK. I've had this app for a while but only in the last two weeks started tracking. I have tried every diet going and failed and put more weight on. I recently came across a guy online who has a no bs approach to weight loss and it finally clicked that I need to calorie count so here I am. Trying to get as many steps as I can too, my goal is 15000 a day at the moment I'm not getting that everyday but im pushing myself to become more active and I'm going to start swimming twice a week too....would be great if I had some pals along the way


  • Annalee82_
    Annalee82_ Posts: 320 Member
    Please don't call yourself "fat."
  • Shewolf1986
    Shewolf1986 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi annalee82 yes I suppose it is a derogatory term to use , I think it's the way I see myself currently and I've always had family members call me that too so I guess I've become used to it, hoping to become a more healthier version of myself though
  • Annalee82_
    Annalee82_ Posts: 320 Member
    Healthier is good. :) I wish you the best of luck. All it takes is motivation.
  • Shewolf1986
    Shewolf1986 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for your support