At a dead end

January 1st 2018 like everyone else I decided I was going to make a change and get thinner, and healthier. I found after losing 35 lbs gaining all and more back, I was disgusted with myself which of course causes stress on my relationship. So I began counting calories religiously, working out 5 times a week and giving myself a cheat day once a week. It's now may and I'm down 21 lbs. Although I'm ecstatic, I look in the mirror and see the 175 lb girl with a belly roll, and a double chin. I have 9 more lbs to lose and I'm stuck, I literally have smacked into a brick wall, as this always happens. This is the point where I usually give up, not all together but u know more cheat meals, exercising less, until before I know it I'm back to 30 lbs overweight and depressed again.. anyhow I know I'm not alone and if anyone would love to share or comment feel free.. it's easier to motivate and be motivated by people who are dealing with the same things u are :)


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Today is a new day. Start all over again by asking yourself some serious questions:

    How did you pick your goal?
    Are you doing workouts you enjoy?
    Is there something you are looking forward to when you reach your goal?
    Are your regular meals tasty?
    What is your plan for maintenance?
    How do you picture yourself 10 years from now? What are you having for dinner?
  • Pastaprincess1978
    Pastaprincess1978 Posts: 371 Member
    I feel you girl - I have lost exactly the same amount with the same to go. I don't know what else to say other than what others have said to me and expect the loss to be slower from here in. Do strength building exercises and don't overdo the cardio. But above all keep logging carefully. Did I just give someone else advice???? lol

    As I said I am at the exact same point.
  • Pastaprincess1978
    Pastaprincess1978 Posts: 371 Member
    Also - if you feel like it - go buy a skirt/pants with no stretch that is just a little tight and wear it and enjoy how you look in it - but aim to fit comfortably in it in a few months :) Weird but it works for me!
  • mbortz12
    mbortz12 Posts: 22 Member
    You did just give advice lol!!! Good advice, I appreciate both comments.. it's just hard not to get frustrated. I think the part for me too is I don't see the weight loss at all, if people didn't tell me I wouldn't notice, sounds crazy I know
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    learning about mindful eating really helped me
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,491 Member
    Have you reworked your numbers to account for the weight you’ve lost?

    Try this- Redo all your numbers like its day #1. Examine every assumption in your program. Look for anything you might do to tighten your food diary. Maybe cut back your cheat day? Once you have your overhaul in place, give it about a month. If the scale isn’t moving by then, pick a modest number and cut some calories. Keep doing it until it starts working.

    But this- just my view. Weight loss is about limits. But its OK because life has limits. We may not live as long as we’d like, or have good health for as long as we hope. Maybe we wish we had more love, or money, or job status. We can’t eat all the cake we might like without gaining weight. Just how it is.

    At some point I had to face the fact that losing a lot of weight in my 40s and 50s wasn’t going to get me abs of steel. Whatever body fat i have, be it a little or a lot, parks right at my middle. But I’m at a healthy BMI, and have been here for years. At this point, I figure I’m staying here unless i lose my mind. Possible. But that’s what I’m getting, a good number. I’m not going to die from being fat. I’m not going to have a stroke just because I couldn’t control my eating. If my knees go bad it will because of all the activities I do in my late 60s.

    Like everything else, goal weight has limits. Still worth doing.

    Last- reread your post. Your brain is doing its thing. It looked things over and is now telling you- not good enough. I think our brains hate weight loss, I really do. This board is loaded with “not good enough” posts. Like I said, you won’t get everything you hope for out of weight loss. We rarely get all we hope for out of anything, and if we do, its rare and fleeting. Push back. Perfect is the enemy of the good.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    The above posts are great. I would note that at 9 pounds to goal you are almost in a maintenance band. Kudos for that. I definitely would "rebaseline" my plan. Fresh start, new calorie plan, new workout plan, new dress size target, etc. Take some "before" pics today. Try a new exercise, new trail, get out of your box. Mentally prepare for some discomfort and then Embrace the Suck.
  • gillexplores
    gillexplores Posts: 151 Member
    Are you taking measurements and progress pics? They might help you see weight you've lost (21lbs! Which is awesome!) better than the mirror.