Post baby blubber! Shooo! Go away!!! : p


I'm a new mum..... well, that's no longer my excuse for clinging so tightly to these last kg's!!!! I gave birth to my beautiful daughter at the end of November 2010 (in my profile pic I'm 2 days off going into labour and I use this pic to remind me of what it's like to be "fat" and how I wouldn't want to get back there unless it's with child!!!) but I'm really having trouble changing my eating patterns and getting back into the swing of being fit and trim and feeling good about myself. I'm not overweight, but being someone in the past that has been a real textbook gymjunkie and doing 7-8 classes a week at the gym, to feeling squishy all over isn't great for one's confidence..... or jeans!!
Plus people always tell me I look great for having just had a baby..... but you can't use that as an excuse this far along!!! lol!!!
So here I am on MFP, recording my food, checking out bad habits, reminding myself why I love to exercise (a true endorphin addict), and working towards getting back that tone and fitness I've always enjoyed and maybe even preparing for the next family addition in 12 months or so!!!!
I'm in Australia and I'm 32 by the way and I'm always happy to be friends on here and share the load, so to speak!!! Thanks for having me : D


  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 447 Member
    Welcome! You will find loads of information, support and motivation on this site. Clearly though you already know what you are doing and just need to get back into it, so sure you will be fine. Good luck and feel free to add me if you would like :-)
  • hannahcf
    hannahcf Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome and good luck! Feel free to add me if you like:)
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend, I had my 3rd baby in Dec 2010 and started this in Jan. It worked with watching calories and exercise. Good luck!
  • I had my 4th in March and was hoping the pounds would just go away effortlessly. Well, of course that didn't happen. I started this in June and have lost 12 pounds so far (I live in US). It is annoying when people say, "You look good for having 4 kids." I would like to eventually change that to just - "You look good!"
  • hahaha! I'm hearing you!!! Although I've not had 4 kids!!! I must say though, the weight fell off me after giving birth, but then I was breastfeeding and that made me super dooper hungry and so it stacked back on again!! I'm just trying to trim that blubber coat that seems to be all over..... I've not had that before! I'm not used to being so squishy!!!! lol
  • 123Kate
    123Kate Posts: 32 Member
    I ha my 3rd in jan '10, so hes 19 months now. And I got married in March this year, was hoping to have lost all my baby weight by then, but i couldnt do it with exercise alone (silly me thought i could still eat the way I was and lose the weight... um no). I started MFP nearly 6 weeks ago and I have lost a bit over 5kg... Im only 1kg to my goal weight! However I have some serious toning up to do. If you find my latest blog post I have a before and after shot... I am finalyl starting to see its working, but I need to work the muscles now! Just hard to find the time, energy and motivation with the kids around.
  • I had my second in Nov. of 2010 and I feel you on not being able to use the baby weight excuse. I believe in the whole "It took 9 months to put it on, so expect it to take that long to take it off" But I'm there and I've got 20 lbs to go.