Binge eating…why do I do it?

I know that I have a problem and have always had a problem with binge eating but this week is the first time I have ever really admitted it to myself. There is a really nice guy at work who always buys me little treats and I have said that I’ll return this favour by always having chocolate to hand. Now, this has never been a problem because there are always treats in my drawer (I work with my other half and he knows how many he has eaten and will therefore know how many I have had-so ignore them). For some reason-I feel like there is total free access to these-I need to switch the ‘they aren’t mine’ switch on.

I have had two big binges on theses at my desk-to the point that I have been a couple of hundred calories over twice this week. I am having to be extra good to hopefully not miss out on a loss this week.

I have decided not to eat my “trigger foods” whilst at work (which seems to be my weakest time). I’m going cold turkey today. Wish me luck.


  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    It's considered an eating disorder which is typically a kind of emotional dysregulation (having problems modulating your emotions). It's usually treated with therapy, a dietician, and some tools to help you with your emotions, such as dialetcial behavior therapy (also called DBT).

  • hannahcf
    hannahcf Posts: 64 Member
    Good luck - you can do it!!
  • gipperakh
    gipperakh Posts: 102 Member
    Good luck! I find myself wanting to snack more at work than any other time of the day. Maybe it's out of boredom. Maybe I should do more
  • gemmie_c
    gemmie_c Posts: 129 Member
    Good luck! I find myself wanting to snack more at work than any other time of the day. Maybe it's out of boredom. Maybe I should do more

    Me too-I should do more work but eating is much more fun.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    Thank the nice guy for the treats, ask him to stop, tell him why and get rid of the chocolate in your desk!
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
  • kimbo1605
    Me too! If it's there I want it and I'll eat it regardless of hunger :(
  • xMissy6x
    xMissy6x Posts: 347 Member
    me to :( it sucks, chocolate is a killer for me
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    From Daily Strength:

    This sentence hit me like a brick especially after yesterdays emotional eating binge.....

    "I discovered, for example, that overeating was not the problem. Rather, overeating was my overused solution to the stress and discomfort of everyday life."

    anywho, read it and enjoy....
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Thank the nice guy for the treats, ask him to stop, tell him why and get rid of the chocolate in your desk!

    Yep, that's the only way... if I buy biscuits I will eat the pack... the only way I'll NOT eat the pack is to either buy ONE biscuit or NO biscuits. Get some healthy snacks in that drawer, and tell the guy thanks but no thanks!
  • gritgirl
    gritgirl Posts: 95 Member
    I know for me that I am very addicted to sugar. Once I start eating something with sugar in it, I can't stop. I've debated going to Overeaters Anonymous for help with this but just not ready for that yet. Maybe at some point.

    Sugar is such a drug for me.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Yep. To stop eating it, you may need to stop buying it. I struggled knocking crisps on the head but I found that if I can summon the willpower once a week to simply not buy them then I can happily go all week not eating them - because I don't have any to eat if I wanted to!
  • lienedb
    lienedb Posts: 2
    I had a huge binge eating problem for years. When I was younger it wasn't a big issue, because I could eat almost anything and not gain a pound. But over the last year, I've gained 15 kg (33 lbs), and I know that it's caused by my unhealthy eating habbits. So after trying a billion diets - I've found the only thing that works for me for more than 2 days, jay! I've put a scale in my bathroom and weigh myself every other day. It may sound like such a small thing, but I really want to see my weight going down, and I think about that every time I put something unhealthy in my mouth. Also, i've stuffed my refrigerator with vegetables. So when I crave for food, I take a tomatoe or a carrot. It might sound like a stupid plan, but so far it has worked for me! I've also put a folder on my computer with inspirational pictures with people who look lovely. When I reaaaally want a piece of chocolat, I open the folder and look at the pictures - and I know that I want to look and feel good, and that the chocolat's not going to help me. Maybe some of these things might help you as well.. Good luck!
  • gemmie_c
    gemmie_c Posts: 129 Member
    These are all really good tips-I really like the idea of photos of people that look good. I might even include my 'fat' pictures.

    I am filled with a bit more confidance today-I haven't opened the alluring goodie drawer yet and don't have room in my calories to do that either-not even for one (which would only be 80 calories).

    I have also had several comments from people at work today about how good I look today. This has cheered me up from feeling bad about overeating and made me really want to stick to my plan today.

    Thanks once again for your support. It's nice to know I am not alone. :) xxx