Fat vegan looking for friends!

Hey all... Fat vegan living as an expatriate in Abu Dhabi. In the process of losing 70-80 lbs, but have gotten back into some bad eating habits. I would like to meet some active vegan friends with open diaries to walk this path with....cheers!


  • minitoff1
    minitoff1 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm not vegan - I'm pescatarian (but have a mostly vegetarian diet) still happy to connect as friends to keep motivation going - lentil soups and mexican chilli bean soups are my fave!
  • VeggieGirlMom
    VeggieGirlMom Posts: 7 Member
    Vegan here and always looking for new vegan MFP friends
  • etfan
    etfan Posts: 133 Member
    I’m just beginning here (again) and am not entirely vegan but heading that way. My wife is vegan which makes it easier. Feel free to friend me
  • breemariee920
    breemariee920 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey I’m also vegan (5 months) and looking for people to join in and share this journey with! Feel free to add me!