did really bad yesterday---salt, salt, salt. gotta stay away from the salt. trying to pound that into my head today---fyi---it really hurts doing that---LOL. thursday--went to chula vista after work with a few of my friends. mmmmmmmm--chips and salsa---needs salt--not really --but my mind tells me it does so i put salt on it. have another little bowl of salsa---needs salt. then i decide to stop eating it because i know how much salt is in it. just eat a few bites of supper---fajita rice---mmmmmm. cant eat anymore---i am stuffed-plus i dont need it after all the chips. hhhhmmmmmm--maybe one more chip and just a little salsa---i mean-the waitress did just walk all the way out here to refill all of the bowls for us and i would hate to waste it---we are sitting outside (101 degree weather)--it would be rude to have her come out here in this heat and not show my appreciation---ok, that was good---well crap---cant wear the capris and flip flops to work tomorrow---my ankles are going to look like my thighs sooooooo might as well have some more chips and salsa----why oh why cant i stop eating these damn chips and salsa---do you think anyone would notice if i just picked up the bowl of salsa and drank it?????? thank god---the waitress came and i asked for a to go box for my dinner and told her to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE TAKE THE DAMN BOWL AWAY. aaaaahhhhhhhh, no more temptation.


NO SALT, NO SALT, NO SALT. ***my head hurts***


  • SweGuy
    SweGuy Posts: 78
    Every now and then we all have set backs; the difference is how we choose to confront these - I had one the other day when I had some chocolate (me bad...) knowing it´s not the best thing to have but.. it was darn good and I didnt have as much as I had before MFP - 260 calories so now I am more motivated to work my (please put political not approved word HERE) at the gym...

  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Now that you know you can't resist. Ask your server if she could bring your salad with the chips so you have something good to eat while everyone else is killing themselves with salt.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I think monitoring your salt intake is pretty much uneccessary in a fat loss / health routine unless you are prone to consuming salt in excess and above normal recommended levels.

    All that you will really do in keeping sodium low is manipulate the amount of water you have in your system, which is highly variable anyway. Sure it may look good on the scale but in true body recomp terms (altering the amount of fat you have in comparsion to muscle) it is next to pointless.

    If you like it, enjoy it. Just don't shovel an entire shaker of it down your gullet.
  • nukebhs83
    nukebhs83 Posts: 158
    thanks for the comments but i have to say

    1. didnt want a salad when i was going to a mexican restaurant--wanted chips and salsa :0

    2. didnt shovel the whole shaker down my gullett---just seasoned the salsa to taste. :)

    3. at least i didnt have the margarita with salt too.

    LOL. ya'll have a great day..
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    why did you bring fajita rice home for me? I want to sneak-drink salsa! And for realz yo, anybody that can shove a salt shaker down their gullet should join a circus. Arent those typically made of glass? Hardcore mommy, hardcore. And person with chocolate? Friend me, yo- ill totally eat it so you dont have to! Big love!
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    Everyone needs "a break" every now and then. This is what I tell my friends in my online support circle.... "It is only a failure if you let it derail you. Allow it to be the speed bump that it is, and don't let it become an insurmountable mountain that makes you give up and give in."

    And as for salt... if you throw out the regular table salt, and buy all natural, minimally processed sea salt, with NO OTHER ingredients in it.. then salt is not the enemy. Your body needs it. And with any other type of nutrient, it's just a matter of picking the smarter choice. All the studies done on sodium causing you to retain water and increase blood pressure, were ALL done on regular iodized table salt. It's processed with a bunch of chemicals. But the natural sea salt, is ...well.. natural, the way our bodies are designed to handle it. No bad side effects. I LOVE that I can now use salt without feeling guilty or worry about blowing up from water retention!

    God bless!