Hello again

So I just got around to looking around the site and wanted to take a minute and re-intro myself. I am 36 and almost done with a bachelor degree in library science. I am a full time student at NMSU and am currently allowing my amazing husband to support me and my kids (haha), but seriously I am currently looking for work. My day is usually busy doing nothing really it goes something liek this: 430 am- up n getting my hubby off to work, sleep a lil longer if I can, clean house or do homework, go to gym for weight training, swim laps/swim aerobics, curves circuit training, home for relaxing, making dinner, etc. So add me if you want to. I am really enjoying this fitnesspal!
Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • willmichmike
    Way to go, i just finished with my associates degree in Health care administration. Good luck to you in your journey I wish you all the luck. For me this seems to be easier than weight watchers because the site does the counting for you all you have to do is put it in. Again good luck to you, and way to go.