need help losing weight

i just wanna be happy with my body i dont have much movation but i wieght 198 and im 5,3


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    The best way to be happy with your body is by getting it to do new things: walk further and/or faster, learn a new dance, start a strength program, give yoga a try...

    The only way to lose weight is to eat less than your body needs. For most people, that means writing down what you eat to boost your self awareness. It can also be helpful to play around with what you are eating, to find out what keeps you feeling full and your body happy.
  • andreaen
    andreaen Posts: 365 Member
    How are you eating and exercising right now? I am sure you can lose weight and learn to love your body
  • gdnaegle
    gdnaegle Posts: 9 Member
  • clairew931
    clairew931 Posts: 89 Member
    i just wanna be happy with my body i dont have much movation but i wieght 198 and im 5,3

    Hey, happy to offer help and support! Feel free to message me if you would like
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    Just start logging accurately and consistently. Learn from your diary every day, what foods fill you up and what foods leave you hungry. Keep tweaking based on that. Don't get discouraged if you have a bad day, read the Most Helpful Posts thread pinned to the top of the boards, and be patient. Welcome :smiley:
  • prettyhappyrunning
    prettyhappyrunning Posts: 16 Member
    In the same boat, feel free to add me.