Hello Team!
Today is weigh in!!! send me your result in a PM or here, even if you didnt loose let me know, so we can push through together for next week!!!


  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    I'll start it off...

    *Starting challenge weight 231.5
    *Goal weight totals 215.0

    *Current weight 226.2
    *Loss during challenge..... drum roll please.... -5 lbs.

    WOO HOO!!!! Not sure how it happened, but I'll definitely take it!
  • I'll start it off...

    *Starting challenge weight 231.5
    *Goal weight totals 215.0

    *Current weight 226.2
    *Loss during challenge..... drum roll please.... -5 lbs.

    WOO HOO!!!! Not sure how it happened, but I'll definitely take it!
    WOWZERS!!! Impressive Indeed! Awesome job girly!
  • For myself Im at a 2.2lbs loss!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Starting weight for challenge ~ 174
    today~ 171.6

    I've been working out but I haven't been involved in the daily challenges for the group. Promise to do better next week!!!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I'll start it off...

    *Starting challenge weight 231.5
    *Goal weight totals 215.0

    *Current weight 226.2
    *Loss during challenge..... drum roll please.... -5 lbs.

    WOO HOO!!!! Not sure how it happened, but I'll definitely take it!

  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    For myself Im at a 2.2lbs loss!

    Woot-woot!!! Awesome job!
  • Starting weight for challenge ~ 174
    today~ 171.6

    I've been working out but I haven't been involved in the daily challenges for the group. Promise to do better next week!!!
    Fabuloss!!! were doing it! YEAH!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    You are all doing great.... I on the other hand gained 1.5 pounds....

    Would like to think perhaps because started back strength training / cardio at gym this week but I also had 2 - count'em - TWO - high sodium days.

    I see the problem and I know how to fix it ... now worries, guilt or anxiety on this girl here...

    Congrats to those who lost!
  • You are all doing great.... I on the other hand gained 1.5 pounds....

    Would like to think perhaps because started back strength training / cardio at gym this week but I also had 2 - count'em - TWO - high sodium days.

    I see the problem and I know how to fix it ... now worries, guilt or anxiety on this girl here...

    Congrats to those who lost!
    Thanks for being brave and honest with yourself and knowing that strength training, High sodium and low water intake is always going to play with us on the scale! Your dedicated and your on the BEST track for your health! I appreciate all your doing! You ROCK Kiddo! and were kicking next week straight in the *kitten*!!!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    You are all doing great.... I on the other hand gained 1.5 pounds....

    Would like to think perhaps because started back strength training / cardio at gym this week but I also had 2 - count'em - TWO - high sodium days.

    I see the problem and I know how to fix it ... now worries, guilt or anxiety on this girl here...

    Congrats to those who lost!
    Thanks for being brave and honest with yourself and knowing that strength training, High sodium and low water intake is always going to play with us on the scale! Your dedicated and your on the BEST track for your health! I appreciate all your doing! You ROCK Kiddo! and were kicking next week straight in the *kitten*!!!

    No sense in lying ... even if I lied to all of you, ~I~ know the truth... and I think lying and cheating (re: food) got some of us here to start w/... besides being open and honest might help someone else who felt bad IF they also gained weight... Even updated my ticker to show the gain ...
  • kel834
    kel834 Posts: 23
    I myself have gained two pound 191.5, I also am leaving for camping today for four i will check in when i get back...congrats to all who lost & keep pushing to those of us who have had gains, changes will happen & losses will come
  • I gained a couple of ounces, but I'm not worried because it was TOM and I had some higher sodium days as well...that puts me at 220 this morning and my goal is 200 by October 7!
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Up a pound. 170 this morning, worked hard this week physically but that one night of splurging at the fair won't let me forget. On to kicking the crap out of next week!
  • theprettyone1010
    theprettyone1010 Posts: 408 Member
    Start of Libra Challenge: 203
    This morning: 198.6

    -4.4 lbs! Yay
  • marj972
    marj972 Posts: 30 Member
    gained 3pounds :( but next week will be better, I know it :) GO LIBRAS, you have all been amazing this week!
  • teelt13
    teelt13 Posts: 100 Member
    Start of challenge: 167.4
    Currently: 167.0
    Goal: 155

    Boo Hoo!!! I've got to step it up! Way to go fellow Libras!! You all are doing an awesome job!
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    I lost a pound this week. Hoping next week is better to stay on track but is TOM so hoping that's part of the issue as I've been working my *kitten* off doing p90X and walking.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    8/5: 185
    8/12: 180 (-5)
    10/13: GOAL 157 lofty goal but i'm not going to revise based on my current hard to get as close as i can....
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    8/5: 159.8
    8/12: 159.8 no loss... But no gain either!!!
    10/20: goal: 145
  • EmilyV80
    EmilyV80 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm not sure what you had for my starting weight but I'm down to 160.5. That is down 1 lb from last Friday but I was up at 164 at the beginning of last week.