Hey is anyone doing Keto diet??

katrinankelly Posts: 23 Member
Hello I’m from England and I’ve started this diet, would love advice on it if anyone is doing it


  • cassiehealth213
    cassiehealth213 Posts: 4 Member
    Meeee! Just started today!
  • katrinankelly
    katrinankelly Posts: 23 Member
    Add me x
  • SaritaPersad
    SaritaPersad Posts: 1 Member
    Me!!! I’m finally seeing results after years of doing low fat, low carb
  • LW3380
    LW3380 Posts: 118 Member
    Search Keto or Low Carb on here and you'll find hundreds of posts about it...
  • DancesWithDogz
    DancesWithDogz Posts: 107 Member
    Yes - I started sort of - on April 26th. I'm on my 12th day, and down 7 lbs.
    I've eliminated bread, crackers, pasta, rice, potatoes, and all starchy veg, and any sugar like honey, maple syrup etc. I don't know if I'm following Keto specifically - but that's what I'm doing.
  • katrinankelly
    katrinankelly Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks ladies x
  • Cath_Taylor
    Cath_Taylor Posts: 104 Member
    I’m doing low carb. I’m not sure it is ‘keto’ exactly but I try to stay below 25% carbs per day. I don’t eat sugary foods anyway. I have just cut out all refined carbs, fatty & starchy foods. I’m staying with meat, fish, eggs, green veggies & salads. I have polycystic ovaries and insulin resistance so a low carb diet tends to work best for me. I end up hungry & feeling deprived if I try to diet with more carbs included. Hope you have managed to start well & good luck!!