Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 39



  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Male - 5' 10" - 52 years old

    Original Start Weight 182 lbs in May 2016
    Goal Weight 165 lbs

    Late Start - February 2nd - 168 lbs End of Round - February 7th - 168.8 lbs
    Round 31
    Start Round - 02/07 - 168.8 End of Round - 02/16 - 167
    Round 32 - My 3rd Round
    Start Round - 02/17 - 167.4 End of Round - 02/26 - 167.2
    Round 33 - My 4th Round
    Start Round - 2/27 - 168 End of Round - 3/8 - 167
    Round 34 - My 5th Round
    Start Round - 3/9 - 168 End of Round - 3/18 - 166.6
    Round 35 - My 6th Round
    Start Round 3/19 - 168.4 End of Round 3/28 - 166
    Round 36 - My 7th Round
    Start Round 3/29 - 166.6 End of Round 4/7 - 167.8
    Round 37 - My 8th Round
    Start Round 4/8 - 167.2 End of Round 4/17 - 167.2
    Round 38 - My 9th Round
    Start Round 4/18 - 167.8 End of Round 4/27 - 167.2

    Day/Weight/Comment Round 39
    4/28 - 167.6
    4/29 - 166.8 Garden and beach yesterday
    4/30 - 167.4
    5/01 - 169.7 Late meal last night, including beer!!
    5/02 - 169.4 Assisting with moving household stuff. Varied from regular meals.
    5/03 - 169
    5/04 - 168.4 Poor eating in recent days. More snacks and fizzy drinks.
    5/05 - 168.2
    5/06 - 169.4 Hiked yesterday. Low calorie intake and high calorie burn, but perhaps not really "good" food.
    5/07 - 169.4
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    Round 39
    My 4th round!

    Round 36 - SW 167 EW 168
    Round 37 - SW 168.2 EW 166.6
    Round 38 - SW 166.6 EW 165.2

    SW - 172 on 1/14/18
    CSW - 165.2
    CEW - 164.0 ✓
    UGW - 130


    4/28 - 164.0 - Well there's my goal weight in one day but I know this number won't stick around. Pretty sure my body is dehydrated this morning so I'm drinking lots of water today. Would love to keep this number but seeing it at the end of the 10 days will work for me if I do gain in tomorrows weigh in. I had a busy day yesterday and have a busy day ahead of me. Have to keep it healthy today.

    4/29 - 165.4 - There's the gain I was expecting but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I'm happy with where my weight is at this point in time, and I'm learning to be ok with what the numbers on the scale say and what the size of my clothes are because I see differences in the mirror when I look at myself and I'm proud of the hard work I've done this far to get me where I'm at. When I truly get down to yesterday's weight (164) I'll be exactly 10 pounds lighter than when I started my weight loss journey! Hoping to get there by the end of this 10 day challenge and then I'll celebrate (with something other than food or booze ... a nice swim suit for this summer maybe?!)

    4/30 - 165.8 - Not liking this upward trend I'm on right now, need to kick my butt into high gear and start bringing it back down. Had an active day yesterday doing a lot of yardwork and I ate under calories so hoping it shows in tomorrows weigh in. Got lots of healthy snacks ready and lunches prepped for the week, goal weight here I come!

    5/01 - 163.8 - What??!! Where did this come from? It's awesome if it sticks around and if it does I'll have to set a new goal for the last half of this challenge, if not I'll have one day of great excitement. Could not believe my eyes when I stepped on the scale this morning, weighed myself 3 different times. Super excited for today, it's supposed to be beautiful out and I just want to get out there and getting moving. I hope everyone has as good of a day as I have so far!

    5/02 - 163.8 - Kind of surprised this number stuck around, I never have such a big drop, a gain yes but never a drop. At this point I reached and surpassed my goal for this round so my new goal is to maintain the loss, my weight fluxuates a lot and I want to stay at (or be below) this weight at the end of the 10 days. I'm learning what to eat to help my weight not change so much from day to day so I just need to keep at it. At this weight I'm officially 10 pounds down (whoo!!) so if I can maintain, I'm going to treat myself to some new summer clothes! And boy do I need them

    5/03 - 163.6 - I was actually expecting a gain not a loss today as I did some snacking on chips and cheese dip yesterday and while dinner was small is wasn't the healthiest. I'll take the loss today though and just remember where the gain comes from if I do gain tomorrow or Saturday, which is most likely when I'll see those chips come back to haunt me. No snacking today and hopefully get a walk in before or after the storm that's suppose to happen today.

    5/04 - 163.6 - Why was I so hungry yesterday? All day? Hoping today's not the same or I'll definitely gain back what I already lost. Not enough steps, rained most of the day so I wasn't able to go walk, very late dinner. Need to get back on track today so I continue to see results.

    5/05 - 163.6 - Super happy to be maintaining this weight. Didn't log everything last night but I'm pretty sure I was over calories (for the first time this week) had a nice relaxing night at home and had a couple drinks. Will get lots of walking in today and tomorrow so hoping my overage won't show on the scale.

    5/06 - 163.6 - Didn't weigh myself until about 4 this afternoon as we decided to a last minute overnight trip just a couple hours from home yesterday and I didn't have a scale this morning. Got lots of hiking in but not enough water. Trying to catch up on water now and as I didn't log anything yesterday or today I'm hoping I didn't go over calories any. Eating was pretty good though, all home cooked foods and no snacking besides a handful of a spicy peanut mix. Looking forward to tomorrow and the final weigh in of this challenge.

    5/07 - 163.6 - Pretty good way to end the round. I hope to see another good drop this next round too. I have a vacation coming up in about a month and my goal is to weigh 155ish, less would be better though. Had a good breakfast, lunch is packed and a good walk is planned for later this afternoon. Looking forward to this next round!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    edited May 2018
    @GrandmaJackie Well done on reaching that magic number again. Many thanks for setting up the new thread. :kissing_heart: see you all there.
    :star: Wake up with DETERMINATION! Go to sleep with SATISFACTION! :star:
    JGM10D ~|~ Round 40
    Round: ~~ Mean ~ highest ~ lowest
    38/31: . ~ 167.3 ~~ 167.9 ~~ 166.6
    39/32: . ~ 166.6 ~~ 166.6 ~~ 165.2

    SW: 227; Lowest weight 11 Oct 2017: 158.2. Dream goal weight: 155.0

    Daily Goals: pre-log/follow through; balance macros/micros; hydrate; 15+ strength; 15+ flex; 8000+ steps; close kitchen at 8.30pm!
    GW: 165
    End of Round 39
    07/05: 165.9
    Not too bad. -0.7lbs is better than nothing. Also, mean weight is 1lb down, body fat has decreased. and muscle mass went up a little, so things are moving in the right direction.

    Round 40 (Round 32 for me. Female, 5'2" aged 72, weight in lbs)
    08/05: 165.9 Goals ✅ May Bank Holiday Weekend! It's done! Back to business.
    09/05: xxx Goals
    10/05: xxx Goals
    11/05: xxx Goals
    12/05: xxx Goals
    13/05: xxx Goals
    14/05: xxx Goals
    15/05: xxx Goals
    16/05: xxx Goals
    17/05: xxx Goals
    :sunglasses: See you in Round 40!!! :sunglasses:

    :sunglasses: Don't worry! :sunglasses:
    ... ...oO~ 166.6 ~Oo... ...
    ... ...oO~ 165.9 ~Oo... ...
    :sunglasses: Be Happy!!! :sunglasses:

  • mrs_kurz
    mrs_kurz Posts: 185 Member
    Stats: Female, 5’5”
    UGW: 121

    RSW: 146.6
    RGW: 144.8


    5/01 145.8
    5/02 146.6 - Was expecting a small gain today as we had a larger dinner last night (and half a glass of wine), today I am going to start the 30 day shred, will check in tomorrow to see how it went!
    5/03 -146.2 - day 2 of the 30DS today, found it hard but determined to keep going and get fitter!
    5/04 - 145.2 - weight is definitely fluctuating but in a downwards trend so I don’t mind too much. Sometimes I find it hard not to get disheartened but I am really trying to think of the long run now, and how good I’ll feel in 6 months / a year when I’ve been consistent - now off to do the 30DS again!
    5/08 - 145lbs - Taken a few days break from exercise as I haven't been feeling well, but still been eating well. Will try to hop back on exercise tomorrow!
  • bradcharlessimmons
    bradcharlessimmons Posts: 134 Member
    Bonjour all! Round 12 for me

    Male, 22, 6ft3’ UK

    HW: 135.0kg/297.6lbs (November 2017)
    SW: 130.2kg/287.1lbs (1st Jan 2018)
    R28SW: 124.6kg/274.7lbs R28EW: 123.1kg/271.4lbs (-1.5kg/3.3lbs)
    R29SW: 123.3kg/271.8lbs R29EW: 122.0kg/269lbs (-1.3kg/2.8lbs)
    R30SW: 122.1kg/269.2lbs R30EW:119.3kg/263lbs (-2.8kg/6.2lbs)
    R31SW: 119.7kg/263.9lbs R31EW: 117.6kg/259.2lbs (-2.1kg/4.7lbs)
    R32SW: 117.6kg/259.2lbs R32EW: 116.9kg/257.7lbs (-0.7kg/1.5lbs)
    R33SW: 116.9kg/257.7lbs R33EW: 115.5kg/254.6lbs (-1.4kg/3lbs)
    R34SW: 115.5kg/254.6lbs R34EW: 114.9kg/253.3lbs (-0.6kg/1.3lbs)
    R35SW: 114.9kg/253.3lbs R35EW: 112.8kg/248.7lbs (-2.1kg/4.6lbs)
    R36SW: 112.8kg/248.7lbs R36EW: 112.8kg/248.7lbs (no change)
    R37SW: 112.8kg/248.7lbs R37EW: 110.6kg/243.8lbs (-2.2kg/4.9lbs)
    R38SW: 110.6kg/243.8lbs R38EW: 108.1kg/238.3lbs (-2.5kg/5.5lbs)
    R39SW: 108.1kg/238.3lbs R39EW: 106.0kg/233.7lbs (-2.1kg/4.6lbs)
    Overall loss (start of round) – 26.9kg/59.3lbs

    4/28: 107.7kg/237.4lbs – Great loss, still achey from yesterday’s run. Did go for pizza and a few beers so this probably could have been more!
    4/29: 108.8kg/239.8lbs – Day off and it proved! 3 awful meal choice with lots of beer in-between, I am not bothered though as I had a cracking day!
    4/30: 108.1kg/238.3lbs – Back on track, dragged my better half on a run this morning for the first time in forever! Nice little run at a conservative pace. Now to crack on and lose some more weight over the remaining 7 days!
    5/01: 106.6kg/235.0lbs – Good golly gosh, this is a pleasant surprise! Managed the gym last night but had to make it more of a HIIT session as I had limited time. Was supposed to do 11km this morning but have pushed it back to tomorrow – Gym tonight with my brother, very excited indeed. SO far 62.6lbs lost!!
    5/02: 106.4kg/234.6lbs – Weather is awful today so I’m moving my run back till after work! Another day another loss 
    5/03: 106.5kg/234.8lbs – In and around the same mark, no doubt this will drop back down. Also squeezed in a few beers while watching the footy last night so can’t complain really.
    5/04: ????/???? – I just forgot to step on the scale, oops. Ran a half marathon this morning for the second time ever, it went really really well. I weighed myself after the run and I was down near 105kg but I don’t like to count this weight as I can lose anywhere from 1-2kg on longer runs. 9 days till my half marathon, and 15 days till holiday. WOOOOOO.
    5/05: 105.3kg/232.1lbs – The weekend started so well…
    5/06: 106.4kg/234.6lbs – This is beer, all beer, 1.1kg of beer
    5/07: 106.0kg/233.7lbs – Happy to finish here, I’m not so good at posting on here over the weekend, especially as it’s a bank holiday in the UK.

    Overall loss (start of round) – 29.0kg/63.9lbs
  • ultimateyou
    ultimateyou Posts: 108 Member
    Round 31: 306.8
    Round 32: 306.0
    Round 33: 304.0
    Round 34: 303.6
    Round 35: 305.4
    Round 36: 304.2
    Round 37: 304.8
    Round 38: 304.0

    Starting weight: 320
    Goal weight: 250
    Current weight: 304.0
    Goal this round: 303

    Day: Weight: Comments
    4/28: 305.2: Don't understand why it's gone up so much. I know I didn't eat too healthy but was still maintaining calorie levels. Could be because of T-TAPP bootcamp I started 2 days ago. Maybe muscles are growing stronger?
    4/29: 305.2: No Change. Hopefully tomorrow see a drop again.
    4/30: 305.2: No Change today again :(
    5/01: 304.4: YAY Happy to see it go down. Didn't exercise yesturday so maybe because my body had a rest it's settled down? Hope to see it keep lowering.
    5/02: 303.8: Much better, keep going down and I will be so happy. Ate to my calorie goal yesturday.
    5/03: 303.8
    5/04: 303.8
    5/05: 305.4: NOOOOOOOOOOOO! lol Havn't excersized in 2 days though. Got myself to blame.
    5/06: 305.2: Getting better.
    5/07: 303.8: woo hoo, just on my goal I suppose lol.
  • mombiejohnston
    mombiejohnston Posts: 121 Member
    OSW: 150.8 (10/2/17)
    Round 30 SW: 133.0
    Round 31 SW: 130.8
    Round 32 SW: 128.6
    Round 33 SW: 127.4
    Round 34 SW: 127.2
    Round 35 SW: 128.4
    Round 36 SW: 127.2
    Round 37 SW: 125.4
    Round 38 SW: 124.4
    1st GW: 115 (4’10 Female)

    Round 38:
    4/28 125.6
    4/29 125.6
    4/30 126.2
    5/01 127.2
    5/02 127.2
    5/03 124.6
    5/04 125.0
    5/05 125.0
    5/06 125.0
    5/07 125.0 - I realize we are on to the new round today but yesterday was a crazy day and I never got around to posting so I’m doing it for me lol, accountability and whatnot.
  • jerier
    jerier Posts: 384 Member
    Round 39

    #37: 142.6 - 137.4 = -5.2
    #38: 137.4 - 136.8 = -0.6


    4/28: 136.8, ……

    4/29: 139.0, 2 birthday parties with chips and salsa (my nemesis), BBQ, potato salad, bruschetta (which I made and the only healthy option on the table), Tres Leches cake (I made this lightened version for the 2nd party and did eat a serving), and red wine. I have food hangover…

    4/30: 138.0, Sunday funday yesterday = 1 beer. It’s my ritual. I’m pleased to have donated some of the weekend’s indulgences, though.

    5/01: 135.8, nice to see this. Highly doubt the validity.

    5/02: 137.4, 2 dates = bloat from restaurant food. Bleh…

    5/03: 137.4, impromptu date the night before. Restaurant food, healthy choices, but it’s still restaurant food.

    5/04: 137.2, long day at work followed by a short hike. Stayed at deficit, too. Still not enough water.

    5/05: 135.4, dehydration

    5/06: 137.4, again

    5/07: 136.2, I’ll take it. ;)
  • rparkerslim
    rparkerslim Posts: 398 Member
    Posts: 401

    Female 5'3
    Age 68
    New Starting Weight: 213.4
    Goal Weight: 145

    Round 38
    Round 39: Starting weight 209.5
    My new Round: 1


    4/29: 209.5

    4/30: No weigh in

    5/01: 211.2

    5/02: 210.5

    5/03: 208.7

    5/4: 207.7

    5/5: 207.5
    Got busy yesterday and didn't drink enough water! Got to do better today!

    5/6: 206.7

    5/7: 206.4

    5/8: No Weigh in
    My son had a bad night last night, so I got up running this morning and forgot to weigh in!