Im at a plateau and need help...

Im 5'4 and had a baby in December. I have lost 20-21 pounds since then and my current weight is 133-134. My low was July 4, where I was 131. I have hit a plateau since the beginning of July (I went up to 133 on 7/6) and havent been losing any more weight. I net around 1350 a day on average.. Sometimes on the weekend, I will have a day where I net 1700-1800. I exercise almost everyday- either insanity or major strength training/weights. I only have 1 rest day a week and I will ususally still walk or do something light.. My goal is to burn 2000 calories per week. My body fat is about 20%. WHAT DO I NEED TO DO??? I cant seem to kick start my weight loss again, however my loss has always been slow. When I started exercising daily at the end of April, I weighed 145. I have just ramped up my water and started paying attention to my sodium. Should I lower my calories? I know this is going to cause a major debate, but I just ordered Oxy Elite. I currently take R-ALA and Alcar but not consistently. I take a mulit-vitamin daily. My goal weight is 128, but I would even love to be 125. I can not seem to get there and I know Im putting in the work and eating right. My only other thought is cutting out wine that I may have on the weekend, but I make sure that Im still in my range of calories or very close.
Any advice?


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    With as much as your working out and the type of exercises, you need to eat more not less... You need to feed the muscle your building, not deprive it. Kick up that calorie goal to 1450 or 1500 and see what happens.. I'm sure the results will be different.

    Also don't take diet pills.. they are stupid and waste of money in my opinion.
  • kimmerc1331
    kimmerc1331 Posts: 40 Member
    I calculated my average weekly calories (net) and they are as follows:
    6/19- 1314
    6/26- 6/30- 1334
    7/1- 1407
    7/8- 1474
    7/16- 1666
    7/21- 1412
    7/29- 1350
    8/6- 1375

    The week of 7/16 I gained weight (3 lbs). Im scared to increase my calories, but willing to give it a shot...what should I increase them to? I have it set at 1360 right now.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    given your work-out regimine, I would recommend giving your body at least 2 recovery days per week (maybe 3). you could do something light on those days (i.e., walking). folks often underestimate the power and benefits of letting your body recover. try giving yourself 3 recovery days (i.e., work out every other day) for a few weeks and see if that helps.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I calculated my average weekly calories (net) and they are as follows:
    6/19- 1314
    6/26- 6/30- 1334
    7/1- 1407
    7/8- 1474
    7/16- 1666
    7/21- 1412
    7/29- 1350
    8/6- 1375

    The week of 7/16 I gained weight (3 lbs). Im scared to increase my calories, but willing to give it a shot...what should I increase them to? I have it set at 1360 right now.

    The week that you gained 3 pounds was prob. water weight or a fluctuation..unless it didn't come off, you don't need to worry about it.

    Me standing at 5'8, who does cardio twice a week and strength training twice a week eats about 1670 calories a day plus exercise calories.

    You also are nearing your goal, which means you need to eat more... try 1450 or 1500 and see what that does for you.
  • Since you are doing Shaun T's Insanity (which is literally insane :P), then you should really eat. Don't deprive your muscles of food because they help you burn fat even when you sleep. Rest and recovery is very important as well. And the most important enemy here is all the emotions that you might be feeling. I know I do not have the right to give proper advice yet but, I'm also there and my emotions, right now, are my biggest enemy and is yet the toughest thing I am ever going through. Disappointment when I don't lose the weight I want, depression as I get off the scale, and then I stand in front of the fridge to scavenge for something to eat (but thankfully I planned ahead and got rid of the bad stuff and replaced them with vegetables. Lots and lots of veggies.)

    Try taking in a bit more calories than what you are taking now. Am I gonna be a bad person if I tell you that Beachbody has a 2-day fast formula that helps you lose 7 lbs in 2 days and also jumpstarts your metabolism? Lol.
  • kimmerc1331
    kimmerc1331 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you everyone for the advice. I have changed my calories to be set higher and we shall see....