Need mommy friends

Hey ladies I'm 4 weeks pp and have over 75 to lose I'm 225lbs I was 200 pre pregnancy (still overweight).
I never lost my weight from my first child who is now 6!
My problem is I feel like I'm always hungry and give in! I need friends to help me stick it out!


  • JamieAcosta
    JamieAcosta Posts: 6 Member
    Hey mamma! Im a mommy too. My oldest is 7 and i havnt lost the weight from her either. I now have a 5 1/2 month old and i need to get in shape. I always feel like im in a funk. Friend me if u like and we can support each other!!
  • estradabianca2013
    estradabianca2013 Posts: 8 Member
    I know the struggle! I have a six year old and my youngest just turned 10 months! Its been so hard to lose the weight that I gained from my youngest! Ill send you a request! You got this