Lose 5+ lbs before September-NEW group

Hi, Im new to MFP. I joind a few days ago. As I noticed most of the August groups are closed. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a joining a mid-aug group. Lose 5+ lbs before September. Anyone can join, just fill out your SW, GW, and What your plan is to lose the weight. We can check in every friday to update our weight. I only ask for people who are serious about losing the weight and do plan to check in every week.

SW: 214
GW by Sept 1: 209
What you will do to lose the 5+ lbs: I started the South Beach Diet and will do the Jillian Micheals 30 day shred dvd. As their is only 19 days left, I plan on a few days doing the dvd twice a day.


  • Bethany28
    Bethany28 Posts: 263
    I will try!

    I was at 175 this morning, so I will try to be at 170 on September 1st.

    Edited to answer the second part....I will continue running 2 miles a day (maybe up that to 3 when the time is right) and my 10 minute strength video and possibly some Hiit workouts from TurboFire and of course don't go over calorie goal.
  • jkbartist
    SW 162
    GW 157
    I'm keeping track of what I eat and no sugar, flour or processed food.
    Just eating fresh.
    I'm also getting in 2 miles a day and strength training or yoga for 30 minutes a day.
    Looking forward to checking in every friday.
  • Ready2BEthin
    Ready2BEthin Posts: 133 Member
    great, welcome! :)
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    Hi, Im new to MFP. I joind a few days ago. As I noticed most of the August groups are closed. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a joining a mid-aug group. Lose 5+ lbs before September. Anyone can join, just fill out your SW, GW, and What your plan is to lose the weight. We can check in every friday to update our weight. I only ask for people who are serious about losing the weight and do plan to check in every week.

    SW: 214
    GW by Sept 1: 209
    What you will do to lose the 5+ lbs: I started the South Beach Diet and will do the Jillian Micheals 30 day shred dvd. As their is only 19 days left, I plan on a few days doing the dvd twice a day.

    GW- by 9/1 295
    What I will do to lose the 5+lbs: I plan on doing a more serious planing out my meals for the day and to work out 3 to 4 days with 5 min zumba each evening and no eating at 9pm
  • mazzmoo
    mazzmoo Posts: 70 Member
    CW: 161.4
    September weight: 155 :/

    Im going to horse ride 6 days a week, do two pole dance lessons a week and start swimming :D
  • apetranovich
    apetranovich Posts: 55 Member
    SW: 255
    GW 250

    I have been doing circuit training group for an hour 4 days a week with a personal trainer. I haven't lost on the scale. So for me I want to take a closer look at my food diary and to start the C25K program.
  • Sharlene101
    Would luv to join!
    goal: 207
    i will continue to exercise at least 3 times a week and eat healthy
  • rblauvelt7
    rblauvelt7 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm in!
    SW: 151.8
    GW: 146.8

    I"m going to keep doing Insanity and stay between 1200-1500 calories depending on how much I work out.
  • Charlene_91
    Would love to join :)

    SW: 247lbs

    GW: 242lbs

    I will keep on exercising 5 Times a week and carry on eating healthy.

    Feel free to add me, more support the better :-)
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    SIGN ME UP!!

    CW: 326
    GW: 321

    I am getting the Active 2 work out game for my PS3 and plan on doing that daily for 30-60 min and eat WAY better than I had been. I can do it!! :)
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    I AM IN!

    SW= 210
    Sept GW= 205
    1st GW= 150
    2nd GW= 130

    I just started getting back on track a few days ago. I plan on watching what I eat. No more fast food or sugary foods. NO MORE SODAS!! I plan on walking every evening around the neighborhood lake while my son plays at the playground!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I'll join.
    Weight today was 175.6 and I want to be 169.9 bu Sept 1st so 5.7 pounds.
    I plan to up the 2 mile walks to 3 miles 4 days a week and add 1 mile lunch walk to my Friday off day.
    Saturday and Sunday if I swim in the morning I will add a 1 mile DVD or walk in the afternoon.

    I have been stuck in the mid 170's for a month now and it is time to get out!

    Oh, and no more daily cheating on the diet - weekends only. :wink:
  • Ready2BEthin
    Ready2BEthin Posts: 133 Member
    Hi everyone! I hope your doing well. If you had a bad day, don't give up, you can do this. Friday weigh in will be here soon, let's push ourselves to end August on a good number. :)
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    SIGN ME UP!!

    CW: 326
    GW: 321

    I am getting the Active 2 work out game for my PS3 and plan on doing that daily for 30-60 min and eat WAY better than I had been. I can do it!! :)

    I apologize, I was being silly last week Friday?! My CW is 337 and I'd like to get to 332 by September 1st. Not sure what the heck I was typing. I hope it can still be changed.
  • Ready2BEthin
    Ready2BEthin Posts: 133 Member
    8/12/11- 214
    8/19/11- 212

    I lost 2 lbs this week. I'm happy i finally budged over the 213 #. Seems like forever I couldn't get past it. I plan to increase my cardio this week and put a more limit on my carb intake. A mini goal for me is to be 209 by 8/26/11. I hope everyone did great this week :)
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member

    I lost 5 pounds this week! I can't beleive it! I have off on vacation all next week, but I'm not going anywhere special. I'm hoping to get really active while I don't have to sit at a desk all day!

    Keep pushing guys!

    Good Job Ready2BEthin!! I'm glad you were able to break through that number that was driving you crazy!
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    Today's numbers are my read numbers, I feel dislexic lately with my numbers. I do not weight 337. My CW 232 and I'm sorry I've been stupid with the numbers, geez I look like an idiot!
  • Ready2BEthin
    Ready2BEthin Posts: 133 Member
    Today's numbers are my read numbers, I feel dislexic lately with my numbers. I do not weight 337. My CW 232 and I'm sorry I've been stupid with the numbers, geez I look like an idiot!

    Congrats on your 5 lbs lost in a week!! That is amazing. U reached the group goal in 1 week! Keep going. What if you ended August in the 220's? you can do it!! If you feel like giving up, just remember if you can lose 5 lbs in 1 week, theres nothing u can't do. Thank u for inspiring us.
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
  • Ready2BEthin
    Ready2BEthin Posts: 133 Member

    THAT IS AMAZING!! GREAT JOB!! Now that you are only 1 lb away from your goal. Do you have a new goal to be by August 31st? Keep up the great work. Thank you for being an inspiration.