My journey

MeowRaff Posts: 7 Member
edited May 2018 in Introduce Yourself
I’m just a girl trying to get back in shape. I started at 275 I’m 232 now . Need friends that are trying to do the same. Feel free to add and can someone tell me how to add ppl.


  • newfitjoyce
    newfitjoyce Posts: 7 Member
    Wow!! Get it girl!! I am on the same journey. My heaviest weight that I know of, which was just last year, was 243lbs. My current weight is 212lbs. I sure could use some friends that are on the same path as us. I’m adding you girl ☺️☺️
  • MeowRaff
    MeowRaff Posts: 7 Member
    Yes!! Get it girl! We can do this !